Chapter 4

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ANYA WALKED THROUGH THEgrounds, when Terra ran up to her

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grounds, when Terra ran up to her. "Anya!" She exclaimed, running up to her with Musa, "We need your help,"

Terra explained the plan to get Stella's ring back and Anya stopped, holding her hands up in defense, not understanding this plan.

"Wait, wait, wait, we are not going to look for a Burned One, your dad will kill me, Saul will kill me," Anya said and after long protest, she agreed to go with them.

Terra ran up to them, Musa and Anya on her tail as they found Aisha, Stella and Bloom waiting.

"Sorry, I need a bit of help with the Zanbaq, also I picked up someone else along the way," Terra explained, gesturing to Anya.

"Miss Winchester? You brang our teacher along?" Stella asked. She narrowed her eyes at Anya, not knowing why Terra would bring her.

Stella had the same fight as her mother, which Anya did respect, but Anya was also cautious. She knew what Luna was capable of and if her daughter was anything like her then they were in trouble. 

"Well I can't stop you and I'm not letting you go alone so I'm coming," she said and they started the walk.

Anya followed Musa towards the barn, Bloom opening the door to reveal it was gone. She sighed, knowing that they could just go back now.

"Its not here," Bloom stated and Anya crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"They've taken it already, now let me get you back before any of us get into more trouble than this is worth," Anya suggested. Musa walked away as she heard a pained voice.

She turned around to see Musa and Terra were gone so she left the barn, looking for them.

"Musa?" Anya asked as she followed her out of the barn with Terra, the three walking into the woods. "Musa? Are you okay?"

"I don't know. I feel something," she said, "What is it?" She asked herself.

Musa doubles over in pain and Anya rushed to her side. She placed a hand on her shoulder as she checked on her.

"Right, this is over, we are going back before Farah kills you all - and me" Anya said, helping Musa up.

She knew how difficult it was to be a mind fairy, Farah had struggled a lot in school to control it but now was able to block out peoples emotions. Maybe she could teach Musa that.

They looked to the side and Anya gasped as she saw dead bodies scattering the floor. She knew some of the people and it hurt to see them on the floor, bleeding to death.

"Guys, we've got a problem" Terra called out and everyone rushed out. Aisha, Stella and Bloom gasped as they saw the bodies - the bloody bodies.

"The Burned One," Anya stated, taking a deep breath as she slowly approached the soldiers.

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