Chapter 8

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ANYA WALKED INTO THE WINX SUITE, knocking on the door

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ANYA WALKED INTO THE WINX SUITE, knocking on the door.

They looked at her, "Don't worry, I'm not here to be your teacher, Terra asked if I could help out," she explained.

They looked at her, Bloom holding onto an old yearbook in her hands and looking up at Anya.

"Only if that's alright with you, I can imagine your street cred dieing with me around," Anya joked but Bloom walked over.

"Actually, you'd be a massive help," Bloom said and Anya walked over, sitting next to her, "Can you flick through here, say who some people are and I'll see if it jogs a memory?"

"Who are you looking for?" Anya asked, starting to look through the book. It was a general one with all the best people at the school.

"I don't know. Someone I saw in a dream," she explained and Anya thought nothing of it, starting to flick through.

She showed her Rosalind, Farah and a few others but none of them rang a bell. "And heres me, some of the others and Saul," she said, pointing to a picture of the two teenagers.

They were young, his arm wrapped around her waist. Andreas was standing behind them with his arms wrapped around the two. Ben stood on the left awkwardly as he looked down at Farah and Sebastian who were crouched below them.

"You two look so happy," Musa said, looking over her shoulder at the picture.

"Can I keep this?" Anya asked, looking at Bloom who nodded her head. Anya slipped it out the book, smiling at it before she placed it on top of her phone which was on the table.

"Does anyone know how to do a good cats eye?" Terra suddenly yelled out.

Anya looked at Bloom and Aisha before they rushed towards the bathroom, seeing Terra looking in the mirror with eyeliner streaking down her face.

"I've done like, 50 tutorials and this is what I get," she said and Anya walked over, picking up makeup wipe.

"Here you go," she said quietly, wiping the smudged eyeliner off of her cheeks.

"Why are neither of you getting ready for the party?" Terra asked, looking at Bloom and Aisha, "You could come too Anya,"

Anya chuckled, "I'm already a teacher hanging out with her students on a Friday night, I think me going to a party is a bit lame," Anya joked.

She remembered going to parties nearly every other night when she was younger, they were some of the best times of her life.

"I've got to study, we both do," Aisha said, looking at Bloom. Anya could tell that they just didn't want to talk about it in front of their teacher.

"Well I don't care, you must come, I need full suite support, and I need you too Anya," Terra asked as Aisha reached over and started wiping some eyeliner off as well.

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