Norman and Ray are very gay

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A/N: Norman is 22 and Ray is 23 in this.
Category: Fluff

The sun peeked though the curtains landing on Ray's face. "Fuck off!" Ray said as he pulled the covers over his head. That occurrence woke Norman up "Be quiet Ray. It's to early to get up." Norman conversed unpleased. "If you want me to be quiet then switch places with me." "No." Norman replied. Ray turned over grumpily while muttering some nonsense. By then Norman was already fast asleep do to his tired state.

But Ray on the other hand is unable to fall back asleep, Ray then rolled out of the covers and walked over to the bathroom. On his way to the bathroom he grabbed a towel.

Once Ray was in the bathroom he turned on the shower. As he waited for the shower to heat up to the perfect temperature he brushed his teeth. Ray put his toothbrush down and wiped his to head to face the bathroom room door. "Geez. Jumpy much it's just me" Norman said as he grabbed his toothbrush. "Maybe I would not be so jumpy if someone would just knocked!" Ray replied. Ray then got undressed and hoped into the shower Norman following shortly after him.

When they got out of the shower they both dried off and walked back to their bedroom. Norman put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a white button down and a gray knit sweater over the button down. Ray put on some black fitted jeans and a navy blue turtleneck. Norman and Ray made their way to the kitchen. "What do you want to have for breakfast?" Ray asked Norman in a soft voice. "Fried eggs and toast sounds good" Norman replied in the same tone as Ray. "Okay. Will you please make some coffee Norman" "Yeah, will do."

Norman and Ray sit down at the table with two eggs and two pieces toast on both of their plates. Ray has just plain black coffee in a cup, while Norman has coffee with three creams and two sugars in his. When they are done with breakfast Norman cleans the table and washes the dishes. Ray makes plans with Emma and Emma's partner Violet to go see the Demon Slayer movie later that week.

Norman then puts on his shoes and gives Ray a gentle kiss. When Norman pulls away Ray pulls him back in. "Ray knock it off I have to go to work now" Norman says slightly flustered while pulling alway. Ray chuckles lightly and hands Norman his keys and wallet "I love you, have a nice day!" Ray told Norman while smiling softly. "I love you too" Norman replied softly then walked out the door waving. Ray who works from home and walked into his office and got started.

Around five thirty pm Ray heard the front door open. He rushed out of his study to great Norman. "Someone is excited to see me." Norman chuckled. "Shut up you idiot." Ray said as he pulled Norman down to kiss him. Their lips interlocked gently, Norman then grabbed Ray's waist and kissed the smaller male even harder. After thirty seconds they pulled apart panting. "What do you want to do for dinner?" Norman ask as he let go of Ray and set his things down.

"Let's just order some pizza." Ray said a bit flustered as he was still calming down from their kiss. "Sounds good to me" The younger man replied. "I will go order it now, you want just plain cheese. Correct?" "Yeah" "Can you please turn on a show for us to watch while I order the food." The boy with snow white hair asked, no stated.

The older man just nodded in response. Norman then walked out of the room taking his phone with him. Ray walked over to the T.V grabbing the remote, he turned on an anime him and his boyfriend have been watching called High-Rise Invasion.

Shortly after Norman walked back into the room. "The pizza should be here in forty-five minutes to an hour." "Alright" Ray said in a soft voice. "Are you okay Ray?" "What do you mean?" Ray said a bit confused. "Your tone changed out of nowhere." "It did!?!?" "Yes!" Norman laughed.

Ray then pulled Norman on to the couch rolling on top of him. The males then leaned in, their lip softly collided. Norman then flipped them and took the lead. Norman's tongue slid into Ray's mouth. Ray then proceeded to copy his partner's actions. Their mouths moved in harmony, Norman was about to slip his hand up Ray's shirt until they hears a scream coming from the T.V. They quickly pulled apart and wiped their heads to face the T.V.

As soon as the two men looked at the screen they realized that the show Ray put on was one with lots of screaming. They both started laughing at themselves.

Norman sat up and Ray leaned into his arm. They watched anime till they heard a knock on the door. Norman paused the show while Ray answered the door. Ray paid the pizza man and grabbed the pizza from him while saying thank you. He shut the door and brought the food to the kitchen. Norman followed behind his lover closely and grabbed some plates for the both of them. They each took three slices and put the rest of the pizza in the fridge for tomorrow.

They then both brought their plates with them to the living room where they both continue watching High-Rise Invasion. After dinner Ray took Norman and his plates to the kitchen and washed them while Norman cleaned up the living room.

The two boys walked to the bathroom together hand in hand. They brushed their teeth then went to their room. Ray changed into some boxers and one of Norman's T-shirts. It was a little big on him but still comfortable. Ray then sat on the bed and watched Norman change into a pair of red and black plaid pajama pants. "What are you looking at?" They blue eyed male asked the green eyed one. "You." Ray said bluntly. "Perv." Norman commented as he sat on the bed with Ray.

Ray then jumped onto Norman pushing him down into the bed. "What was that for?!?!" Norman asked shocked. "You called me a perv!" "That's because you are one." "How?" "You literally just watched me changed. That makes you a perv." "Does not!" Ray said like a child. "Does to"Norman smiled at his boyfriends childish behavior.

Ray scoffed and got up to turn on the lights. Ray walked back over to the bed laying down turning away from Norman and getting under the covers. Norman then rolled over getting under the cover with Ray. He then rapped his arms around Ray and said "I love you." as he shut his eyes. Ray's heart fluttered at this... "I love you too" he said in a drowsy voice letting the darkness consume him.

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