chapter 2

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When I stepped inside the door I felt like I was home except for the overwhelming horse smell.when you walk inside the kitchen was to your right with a circle table and four chairs. On the left was the living room. The hallway was in front when you walk in and there were two rooms. At the end of the hallway there were stairs that lead to the attic. I remembered that my old room was upstairs in the attic and decided to go see it.

When I opened the door I saw that it was very clean. It had a bed, a dresser, and a tv with plain walls. On the bed I saw my suit cases. Since the sun was half way down I decided to put everything away and go to sleep. I put all my clothes in the dresser then hung some pictures around then I plugged my phone and laptop charger in then plugged them both in. I hopped in the shower, put on some comfy clothes, hoped into bed and fell asleep soon after.

-next morning at 9 AM-

"Avery time to wake up you've got chores to do." I groaned. I was fine with chores but why so early in the morning. I pulled myself out of bed got dressed into Jean shorts and a shirt then went to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth and headed dowstairs.

While headed downstairs I moved my hair into a low pony. The sweet aroma of bacon and eggs was in the air. I went to the kitchen and saw my aunt cooking and my uncle eating. I went over to the table and sat down. It was silent so I just scooted my chair out.

"Uh I'm gonna go start chores. " "In those clothes?" I nodded and grabbed an apple from the basket then put my tennis shoes on and ran outside. The ranch seemed so much bigger in the morning.

The arena was right next to the house on the left side. Where the gate to the arena was there was the stables it looked fairly big from the outside. Behind there was just a field of flowers that went up and past a hill.

On the left side there was one giant pasture and a round pen. There was a hot walker between the round pen and pasture but it looked old like it hasn't been used in a while.

I looked at my list and decided on mucking stalls

I was starting to walk to the stables when I heard whinny s and yelling. I turned to see a beautiful Appaloosa mare galloping at me with men following her. I stayed put in shock as she stopped and just stood there. I looked at my apple then stuck it out to her " Want it. " She gladly took it from my hand and ate it. I grabbed her halter "where does she go. " I asked " Back pasture. " One of the men said in shock as I led her to the back pasture and she took off.

I leaned on the fence watching her gallop around when one of the men came and leaned beside me. "What you did back there it was unbelievable. " I was confused. " I didn't do anything. " " Yeah right I'm your uncles stable hand, Greg and I'm gonna go continue with the horses. " Then he walked away.

I smiled thinking I could do anything now when I remembered, right chores.

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