chapter 8

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There was a knock on my door. "Go away." I yelled but my uncle came in anyway. I got up and slammed the door in his face. I was so pissed he would just send her to Greg's for a tiny mistake.

" Listen avery I only sent douchess to Greg's because I didn't want you or her to get hurt." He said and I almost cared but in the end I didn't.

"But you didn't have to send her away for my mistake." I yelled then there was silence. "The longer you are mad at me and don't come out of your room, the longer that mare stays away." He said then heard him walk away. I scoffed. This is so unfair.

I then heard rocks at my window. "What the. " I got up and looked out my window. The boy who was "training" Douchess was down there. I opened my window. "What the hell are doing." I yelled at him. " I heard what happens with douchess and figured we could go on a ride." He said then looked away from me. So I guess he isn't that bad.

I smiled. "Yeah but let me get changed. " I said looking down at my sweats and tank top. " Alright but you might wanna bring a towel and a swim suit." He yelled then he ran. I didn't question it and just started to get changed.

-after getting ready-

I looked at myself in my mirror.

I figured it was good enough even with my swimsuit on under it. I grabbed a towel and walked downstairs. Luckily my uncle nor my aunt were here so I just ran outside.

I went to maple stall, got her and walked her to the tack area where that boy was there. "Hey what's your name." I asked him. "I'm Mike you." He said. "I'm avery. You know, you don't seem half bad mike." He laughed and we finished tacking up then set out.

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