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Hey there, I'm sorry for any grammatical errors, I'm updating this on my phone because I forgot my laptop at my parents place. This is an angsty one folks.


When Dan had texted me inviting me to a "little" get together at his place, I didn't think it would be this big. When I first arrived, a few people were already here, most of us knew Dan personally and I saw a few familiar faces like Kevin, Brian, Seán and Evelien, and even Daithi and his fiancé. But after an hour or so, others started showing up, people I didn't recognize, I'm fairly certain most of them we're already drunk as well.

I was currently wading through a sea of bodies grouped in Dan's front room, all huddled around a girl I didn't know downing an entire bottle of whiskey before yelling loudly about something. Kevin was sitting at the coffee table playing Jenga, well, moreso just knocking over the tower and then rebuilding it. I made my way to the kitchen, stepping over beer bottles and a few shoes. Dan was sitting on the counter talking to Evelien. Seán had half his body in the fridge and was clanking things together loudly. I yelled over the music,

"Hey Dan, drunk enough yet?" I smiled at him and took another drink from the cup I was holding.

"Not nearly enough, but I'm getting there." He knocked his glass into mine and chugged the remainder of its contents.

He was going through it rough at the moment. Big breakup and all, now that I think about it, that's probably why there were so many people here, he didn't want to be alone.

"(Y/N), how have you been settling into the new place, Seán and I we're going to come visit last week but something came up with BB and we had to take him to the vet." Evelien was by far the sweetest person I had ever met, and since she moved in with Seán we'd been close friends.

"It's really nice honestly, I'm still scouring the lands for a roommate who I don't completely despise and understands my job enough to not have sex while I'm streaming." I laughed and poured myself another glass of vodka. I knew I didn't need a chaser.

"How many times I gotta tell ya, find another streamer to be roomies with, they understand perfectly. Though the hygiene issue could be a big problem." Seán shrugged as he emerged from the fridge with a fruity looking liquid.

I nodded at him and made my way out of the room. Smiling and raising my glass as I left.

"Hey (Y/N)?" I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked back and up into Kevin's eyes, he was definitely drunk, he was wobbling on his feet and looked like he was about to fall over.

"Hey Kev, you doing okay?" I asked quietly, grabbing the hand that was on my shoulder.

He nodded and pointed down the hallway.

"Let's go somewhere not so loud." He gripped his head with the other hand and I wrapped my arm around his torso, steadying him as we walked down the hall.

I knew there was another sitting room near the end of the hall and found it relatively quick. Kevin flopped down on one of the couches and sighed.

"There are so many fucking people out there." He said quietly, tapping his feet on the floor.

"Yeah, I didn't expect there to be this many people here. Dan's really roughed up it seems." I looked down at my hands, fiddling with the ring on my pointer finger.

"You still have that?" Kevin smiled sadly at me. I looked back down to the band on my finger, thin and silver around my digit.

It was two years ago, that he gave it to me. Kevin and I dated, twice, but both times our differences drove us apart. The first time we dated was in college, we ended up breaking up a year later when my family moved us to the U.S. I came back after I graduated and we stayed friends for a few years before trying again. He proposed on our 5 year aniversary and of course I said yes, three months later we both said some things we regretted and ultimately decided we weren't meant to be together.

I kept the ring though, it reminded me of those times, they hadn't been all bad. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I still loved him.

I nodded and spun it around my finger. "I don't think I could take it off if I wanted to." I said, scared. I was terrified, he had been the only constant in my life for so long, and when I lost him I sort of fell apart. I was barely able to function for 4 months afterwards, rarely leaving my house. I eventually healed and was able to be in the same room as Kevin and not break down.

"I miss us." he said, leaning his head back on the couch. rocking his knee back and forth.

"I wish things were different, Kev. I...... I think I still love you." I looked at him, our eyes meeting and I could see the sadness in his eyes. Before I could say anything else, Kevin was leaning in, pressing his lips against mine. I stiffened and didn't reciprocate, frowning when he pulled away and let out a small quiet sob.

"You're drunk, lets get you home." I said softly, standing and helping Kevin to his feet.

"Too long of a drive, wanna stay with you." he moped, leaning into my shoulder.

"I don't think that's a good idea Kev, lets go find Dan and see if you can't stay here tonight." I mumbled the last part, pulling Kevin down the hallway into the kitchen.

Hmmmmm i've never written angst before and this was originally planned to go a very different way, but idk, the angst wrote itself. There's so much empty lore in this oneshot and I feel like I could make a series out of it, but only if you lot would be interested. anyways, thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day/ night :) -CJ

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