Chapter 1

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It was a regular day in Stacey's life, regular and boring. She just had gym class and had just changed back into her blue overalls. She was sweaty and tired and really was not ready for her boring technical drawing class with the most boring teacher on earth, Ms. Batcher.

Before her class, there were some older students in the room finishing up some work. Today she was awfully tired and decided to sit on a bench to the far left of the empty schoolyard waiting for her next class to begin.

Her loud best friend Beatrice came over to change her muddy gym shoes. "Sup Stace?" Stacey blankly replied "nothing much." Then the school bell began to ring. Stacey and Beatrice were in the same class and so they were waiting for the older children to leave so that they could go in and settle down before Ms. Batcher came to class.

As the seniors were leaving Stacey saw a boy who she had never seen before. His hair was neatly combed to the top of his head, his pants neatly grabbed on to his long legs, he was everything Stacey could dream of. He was not the cutest boy she had ever seen, but that was what attracted her, she actually was unaware of what attracted her. Was it his sly good looks? Was it his bad boy appearance? Whatever it was, she had no idea what.

She stared at him longingly, unaware of how obvious it was that she was checking him out. "Don't drool," Beatrice said laughingly. "Ewww...No," Stacey replied quickly. "Whatever you say...Cause I know that you were totally checking him out." Stacey was embarrassed at how obvious it was that she was staring at him, but she knew that she could not fight it. "Okay, I admit I was staring but it was nothing like that," Stacey said. "Oh sure, I am your best friend you can not fool me. I am onto you and all of your tricks."

The girls were so caught up in conversation that they did not realize that class had begun and that Ms. Batcher was standing at the door with a stern look on her face. "Girls, it appears that you two do not want to come to class. Do I need to inform Mr. Deansberg of this?" "No Ms. Batcher," they replied in sync. "Then get to class right now," Ms. Batcher instructed. The girls went to class quickly and took their seats.

Throughout the entire class, Stacey thought of the boy and tried to see what it was that she saw in him and how it was not like her to like a boy who she doesn't even know.


That same evening, Stacey and Beatrice went on their usual evening walk around the school so that Beatrice could stalk the love of her life Alex who she was totally in love with and had no idea if he loved her back. Stacey always thought it was a one sided relationship but she always thought that they would be perfect together.

They wanted to go buy a snack because they both were always there long after school so they went to the canteen. When they were at the canteen,where Alex always hung out, they realised that "cutie pie", as they now referred to him, hung out with Alex. Stacey tried to convince Beatrice to ask Alex who his friend was but Beatrice was afraid that if she said that she wanted to know who he was, that he would think that she was not interested in him, but if she said that Stacey wanted to know, that he would think that she had liked him(cutie pie) which was not her style of subtle and sweet.

In the end of a long episode of Stacey attempting to figure out what she should do they decided to end the verdict on no. They proceeded to continue their  walk when they ran into Kristina the final piece to their "squad". They had to inform Kristina of their new found news and had to include every detail, every single itsy bitsy detail down to the nick. Then, Kristina told them that she knew who this mystery boy was. His name was Matthew. Stacey thought to herself,That is the cutest name that I have ever heard... I wonder if he is single...hmmmm...SNAP OUT OF do not like him it is all just nothing but a minor cute guy in my... "Stacey snap out of it," Beatrice and Kristina both shouted.

Stacey and her friends continued their adventure around the school until  both of her friends had to leave and she was all alone, that is, other than the cute guy and his friends and other people in her year who she had no idea that they existed, but of course they did not matter.


That same evening, when Stacey got home she attempted to search for him on Facebook, but of course she had no idea of his last name so his first name was not much help to her. After a long time of searching for him and lurking on profiles with the name Matthew in it, no matter if it was a first name or a last name, she decided to give up on searching and go to sleep. But then as she was about to lay down she realised that she had to document this in her trusty pink diary. She wrote, Dear diary, well today was quite eventful (unlike other days). I discovered the cutest, well to me at least, boy. His name is Matthew and he is two grades ahead of me but age does not matter in my world. Well I searched for him on Facebook and did not find him but it was worth the shot. Well that is all. MUAH.... Toodles P.S. he is friends with Alex totes a coinkydink.

Stacey closed her diary put it in her box filled with her favourite things and took off her fluffy, blue bedroom slippers and got into her queen sized bed filled with pillows pulled up her bright pink covers and went to sleep.


It was a Saturday morning and the rain was falling, just like Stacey liked it. She laid in her bed with her covers over her head and proceeded to sleep. She felt a vibration, it was her phone. Her friends were chatting away their lives, she was too lazy to read them and slumped back onto her pillow and went to sleep.

Bang bang!!!!

It was Stacey's aunt attempting to wake her up. Stacey began to open her eyes and she realised it was her aunt and ignored her. After some while she could not take it any longer, she went out and yelled "it is Saturday can you just pleeeeaaassseee just chill," and with that she proceeded to slam the door and went back to bed.

It was 1:45pm,Stacey had not left bed for the day, she was so tired and stressed that her only solution was sleep,all day everyday, she LOVED to sleep. It was a surprise that she got much sleep,with tests on her mind,unfinished projects on her mind and of course Matthew was on her mind.

She got out of bed for the second time for the day and decided to start the day, by start the day she meant get out of bed, make some tea, make something to eat,  take it to her room and watch Pretty Little Liars, then go  to sleep again, she carried on her routine but the only difference was she went to stalk Matthew and of course she failed.

Stacey got pissed and decided to give up on it and listened to some slow songs. After a while Stacey fell asleep.

It was Saturday night and Stacey was asleep, then suddenly her phone began to vibrate and of course her friends were texting away their lives as they usually did. Stacey got out of her bed, went to the kitchen, took some ramen from the cupboard and began to boil some water.

Stacey slouched back to her bedroom, lies in her bed and then realizes that she has to pee. She got out of bed, AGAIN, and  proceeded slowly towards the bathroom.

After she finished using the bathroom she smelt something burning, then she realized that it was her ramen that she forgot on the stove. She gave up, turnt off the stove and went back to her room and ordered some pizza from Pizza Joey and decided to just be SUPER delinquent and not do homework and she definitely,absolutely did not care.

Thank you for reading this chapter.

I hope that you liked it.


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