Part 5

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Committed (Part 5 - The conclusion?)

Anni hummed as she worked, unable to get the song she wrote for Jasmin out of her head. Or Jasmin's reaction to it, for that matter. Damn. What a thank you that had been. Anni smiled, remembering just how many times Jasmin 'thanked' her that night. And, each night since. She chuckled. Her beautiful girlfriend certainly has stamina, and if Anni sang to her before, that stamina always rose a notch. As did Jasmin's adventurous side. Now I know what it's like to be tied up by Jasmin, she thought with an amused shake of her head.

Anni's mood was especially good today. It had been a really good week. After Jasmin's talk - if you could call it something as benign as that - with Katrin, they had essentially been left alone. No word from Kurt, nothing from Katrin, and even the press had died down a little. Okay, there were a few press jerks that still hung around, trying to make their lives miserable, but the couple wasn't letting it get to them. On the contrary, Jasmin had told Anni that if the press was going to follow them, she was going to give them something to write about. Jasmin then took every opportunity she could to make sure everyone knew how she felt about Anni. And, that was just fine with Anni. Just fine, indeed.

 Another reason for Anni's good mood? Tomorrow was the big day for the couple. As apprehensive as Anni thought she would be for such a milestone - well, a milestone to her, at least - surprisingly, she was looking forward to it. Excited even. Anni had everything planned. She gave Jasmin explicit instructions to leave all of the preparations to her, and though Jasmin was curious, she consented. Anni rubbed her hands together, smiling like a fool, she was sure. She didn't care. Tomorrow was going to be perfect. The only thing that could make her happier right at this moment was if her girlfriend was here with her. Mauerwerk was going to be hopping tonight, so Anni wished Jasmin could be here while it was still quiet.


The voice cut through Anni's thoughts, and her happiness. Of course. She was thinking she was on the homestretch, nothing would ruin this, and here comes Kurt.

"What do you want?" Pleasantries be damned. He just soured her mood, so he can reap the reward for that.

"To talk," Kurt answered, his tone friendly.

"Nothing to talk about, man." Anni busied herself with winding up cables she wouldn't need. If she were honest, she would admit that it was busy work to keep from looking at Kurt. Or, perhaps to keep from hitting him, which is what she really wanted to do.

"You know there is. Man, Anni, you know Jasmin is not a lesbian. What are you doing? Are you really willing to get hurt?"

"It doesn't matter what Jasmin is. Labels aren't important. What's important is that Jasmin loves me."

"Come on. Jasmin is going through a phase, Anni! You know her! She does this. She tries out something new until she gets tired of it." Kurt stepped closer, understanding eyes gazing into Anni's angry ones. "She's going to get tired of you."

"Fuck you."

To her surprise, Kurt laughed.

"Look, I get it, okay. Jasmin is hot! Who wouldn't fall for her? But you know her Anni. She's pretty flighty. Jasmin is really good at looking good, but that's about as deep as it goes. Her best bet at anything in this world is to be on someone's arm. Like mine. You want to keep fucking her, fine. Hell, come on tour with me. You're a damn fine musician. As long as she makes appearances with me, I'm good. It's not like I'll be lonely if she's with you every once in a while. I'll have side pieces as well."

Neither one of them were aware that Jasmin was listening to them from atop the stairs. Her eyes filled with tears, her heart breaking from what she was hearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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