Chapter One

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     Tapping my pencil repeatedly on my desk. Tap tap tap tap. God I'm so bored, I've always hated this class, and I was more irritable then usual. 
     "And i have to remind everyone that the test is coming up so its best you all study. If your confused on what pages its best you check the white board cuz I'm sick and tired of repeating myself.." God his voice is gross. Mr. Henson knew how to make my favorite subject as boring as possible. Finally, the bell rang. Freedom.
     I pack my stuff into my bag and sling it on. I immediately went to the trashcan and lifted it up to my mouth and spit out my dip, setting it back down I left out that god damn room. I b-lined out the door and went straight to my pickup, she ain't nothing special, 1992 Oxford. 
     "Dennis! Wait your ass up!" I turned my head over and rolled my eyes. 
     "If you want me to drive you I want you at my truck before i get here dammit." I groaned. 
     "Now you know mama would kill you if you pull that shit." She huffs.
     "Get your ass in," I opened my door and piled in. I hated giving my sister rides. She plays the grossest music my ears have heard. "Think 7 times before you touch my radio, you listening to me Cassie?" 
     "I got earbuds don't worry." She gets in passenger seat and rolls down the window and sticks her head out. "Ill see you later girlies!" She yells waving at her friends.
      "Get your ass back in the car." I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back in and started up the truck and took off. 
     "Why such a hurry?" She buckled up and looked at me. 
     "Dad wants my help with the new cattle, we just gotta round em up and put them in the other pen. Something you ought to do." 
      "Now you know i cant Dennis, Daddy says that's a mans job." She giggled. 
     "You'll scream your feminist ways till dad being sexist gets you out of work." I groaned. 
                                                                                   3rd Person
     The rest of the drive was quiet. How he liked it, driving down the road, as soon as he was about to pull into his long gravel driveway he noticed the house across the road from him had a moving van in and movers putting stuff into the home. 
     "Well ill be dammed. They sold Aunt Coraline's house." He huffs. 
     "Yo what?" Cassie takes her earbud out and looks. "Damn that was fast. She hadn't been moved out that long. Wonder who moved in. Betcha its a buncha queers." 
     "Cassie shut the hell up." He smacked the back of her head. He finally started to drive down their drive way. "Why you gotta say shit like that." 
     "I don't know. Its okay if their gay. I don't care if people are gay.." She rubs her head. "That hurt.." 
     "Good." He pulled up to their farm house. A big ranch style house with a barn to the side. He put the truck in park and hopped out immediately going inside the house. 
     The two siblings walk inside and immediately got called to. 
     "Dennis! Cassie! That you?" 
     "Yea mom, its us." Dennis answered and walks to the kitchen, where his mom was making dinner. "Whatcha making. Smells good."
      "You can only have dinner if you promise me you actually brought your sister home." She turns around to look at her boy, he dirty blonde hair that was turning silver fell out of her messy bun and into her face.
     "He did, but he also almost left me." Cassie walks in shortly after. 
     "Well, that's not very brotherly of him, is it now Dennis." She looks at him and back at Cassie. 
     "Suppose it isn't. Where's dad, he needed help with the cattle?" Dennis asked. 
    "He did it already, with his fishing buddy." She turns around to continue prepping dinner. "So that means both of you to your rooms and do your homework." 
     "Okay mama." Cassie said as she darted off up the rickety staircase. 
     "No ma'am we know better then running in mamas house dammit!" She yells sternly, even though she knew she was getting ignored. "Dennis, I supposed you noticed Aunt Caroline got her house sold, go introduce yourself. They got a boy your age and lord knows you can use more guy friends." She chuckles. 
     "What's wrong with me being a hit with the ladies?" He huffs. "Besides, I'm not a big fan of new people." 
     "That's a shame. Cuz I told them that you'd take their boy to school in the mornings."
     "I beg your pardon? You did what?" Dennis goes wide eyed. This did not sit well with him. 
     "Oh yeah, I figured you wouldn't mind." She smiles devishly at Dennis. "And don't tell me there wont be room for Cassie, I'm making her ride the bus now. Think of a excuse now." She chuckles. "Now go introduce yourself."
     "Your something else mom. Fine, ill go introduce myself." He left out the door and piled into hi truck. 

Authors Note: Thank you so much for getting this far! Apologies for the change of view in the begining of the story there! I just wanted to pop in and say that when reading this story and seeing slurs please know, I am a Transgender Bisexual Man, and when writing I'm talking from experience and its for story telling. Please do not say any of these slurs unless you are apart of the community that reclaimed these words. Please know how harmful these words can be. 

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