Chapter 15: Hard Decisions

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"So all day, you hang out inside her loft waiting for her to get back from school?" Quinn shrugged nonchalantly as she reached over and grabbed a beer off of Ariana's brothers table. "Well yeah but, sometimes I even write songs while I'm waiting." Ariana chuckled as she sipped from her own cold beverage. "You really were made to be a rock star Quinn. I mean, sometimes I myself get burnt out form doing this whole thing. I don't know I just feel like I could have been an awesome interior designer if I wasn't famous." Quinn nodded as she felt the same as the brunette. "Well don't let me fool you, I'm just as miserable as when I wasn't famous. I'm just more financially secure and have the whole world's eyes on me now. You know, no big deal." Ariana laughed louder as Frankie and his boyfriend finally came out with some snacks from their kitchen. "You guys started drinking without us? Really Ari, it's not even one yet." Ariana gasped as she playfully slapped Frankie's arm as his boyfriend chuckled at their sibling antics. "Here you go Quinn, as requested some sun chips." Quinn thanked Ryan as they all sat down together enjoying each other's company. "So Quinn, Ari told me you have a girlfriend who studies for college here?" Quinn nodded as she swallowed down the cheddar chips quickly before answering. "Yeah, she actually is studying for being on Broadway. Which I hear wasn't too far fetched for yourself?" Frankie nodded with a bashful smile. "Well Ari and I were yes, but now we are on different paths. Although, I do love doing impromptu shows every now and again. Keeps me on my toes." They all laughed as Quinn's phone kept going off, which she kept ignoring. Ariana looked at her with a knowing smile as she knew who was blowing up the blonde's phone. "You just gotta answer him and eventually he'll stop calling every five minutes." Quinn groaned as she excused herself from the chatty group and went outside on Frankie and Ryan's balcony for privacy. Quinn drew in a deep breath as she answered the phone with annoyance. "What Scoot?" Scooter sighed in relief as he Quinn finally picked up one of his many calls. "What? What do you mean what? I've been non stop calling you ever since you left back to New York. I'm sure you've read my text messages too about meeting with Ari-" Quinn huffed out a frustrated breath as she interrupted him. "I'm already with Ariana, so don't worry about it okay?" Scooter smiled in satisfaction as he leaned back in his chair. "Good, because everyone else seems to be following the plan except for you. May I remind you, Puck and Sam are with their fake relationships too." Quinn rolled her eyes at his persistent nagging of her fake dating Ariana for the press and for her fans. "I already told you I'm not going to do that. If Puck and Sam want to do that then fine, but I'm not going to ruin my relationship with my real girlfriend for this fake fantasy of yours." Scooter sighed once more as he had enough of Quinn not playing ball like the rest of the team. "Listen Quinn, I've ran the polls of yours and Rachel's relationship. The fans don't even care to get to know her and I'm at the end of my rope here. You guys are pushing for another tour and at this rate without Ariana your ticket sales won't even cut the cost of production. Just could you please run this idea by Rachel? I'm sure she would understand. It's just show business." Quinn bit her lip nervously as she tried not to get angry at Scooter. She knew he was just trying to do his job and do what was best for the whole group. "I'll run it by her okay? If she says no then I'm not going to do it, regardless of the outcome of our tour. Is that clear?" She heard him cheer in excitement as he agreed quickly before Quinn hung up the phone abruptly. The blonde put her phone in her back pocket before she leaned over the balcony with a deep sigh. Quinn knows Rachel would say yes to this idea of having a promoted relationship with Ariana, but she really wants her to say no. This isn't her and she knows it. A door sliding open behind her interrupted her thoughts as she turned her head to see Ariana smiling at her softly before standing next to her. "So he's still pushing this whole fake relationship thing huh?" Quinn smiled tautly as she nodded briefly. Ariana bit her lip as she hesitantly reached over and put her hand over Quinn's on the balcony bar, trying to comfort her. "If it makes you feel any better, I've been through these PRs a dozen times. We don't even have to hang out publicly if you don't want too." Quinn let out a breath of exhaustion as she shook her head. "Ariana I'm not afraid to be out with you in public, that's the farthest thing from my mind right now. I'm just worried about Rachel and I. I mean, I'm doing this whole rockstar life and she's in college living every real life experience she can. I just don't want to ruin it with this whole fake PR bullshit." Ariana nodded in understanding as she took her hand off of Quinn's. "I get it, I do. I mean at first I thought just my talent was enough to get me by, but everyone just wanted more and more from me. It's not pleasant at times, but sometimes it can be amazing. You just have to give it a go and if it's not for you then I say fuck it." Quinn chuckled as she turned her head to a smiling Ariana. "I'll take that in how about that Monopoly game?" Ariana nodded enthusiastically as she dragged Quinn back into her brother's loft as they all played and joked around together for a couple of hours.

Rachel sighed in exhaustion as she put her bags down on the kitchen table as she saw Quinn in the kitchen making their dinner with headphones on her ears. Rachel smiled at her as she went behind Quinn and gave her a tight hug. Quinn jumped as she immediately turned around with fright, but as soon as she saw it was Rachel hugging her she laughed and pulled her headphones off of her ears. "Hey babe, how was school today?" Rachel groaned as she pulled Quinn down by her flannel collar and kissed her soft lips. Quinn smiled into the kiss as the blonde pulled away from her. "That bad huh? Well good thing I made your favorite pasta then." Rachel squealed in excitement as she slapped Quinn's behind making the blonde yelp in surprise. "Well I would have made pasta a long time ago if I got this kind of reaction." The petite blonde said laughing. Quinn made both of them some bowls as they ate together in the middle of Rachel's loft. Halfway through their dinner Quinn looked at Rachel nervously as Rachel looked at her confusedly. "What's wrong baby?" Quinn cleared her throat as she put her utensils down slowly. "Well, uh, Scooter has this idea of you know Ariana and I doing a...PR relationship." Rachel's eyes widened as she almost choked on her food. Quinn continued as she watched Rachel chug water quickly. "Which of course I told him no immediately, but he wanted me to ask you cause he thought you would say yes. Obviously I know now it was a stupid question to even ask you-" Rachel stopped Quinn as she put her hand over her girlfriends in a calming manner. "Baby, it's okay. I'm sorry I had that reaction I just didn't think it would happen this soon." Quinn raised her eyebrows in confusion at her girlfriend. "What do you mean this soon? You knew this was going to happen?" Rachel sighed as she nodded. "Quinn it's really just show business and at one point in time I would have to do it too if you decide you don't want to do this career anymore and-" Quinn scoffed at the notion as she got up from the table angrily, interrupting Rachel's speech. "What?! You would fake a relationship with some random person if I wasn't famous enough for you anymore? What kind of bullshit is that Rach?!" The brunette knew this topic would make Quinn angry, that's why she didn't want this to happen so soon. "Quinn yes I know it's bullshit, but it's just what happens in the entertainment industry. I would have no romantic feelings for this person just like you have no romantic feelings for Ariana. We can still be together Quinn, that is never going to change." Quinn didn't know what to say as Rachel left her speechless at everything she has just said. There was a few moments of awkward silence as Quinn silently grabbed her plate and went to the kitchen. Rachel sighed as she too went to take her plate to the kitchen following her girlfriend. "Quinn...I know all of this is too much to take in right now and trust me I understand. I understand so much that I'm willing to let the world think we have broken up so you can become more successful than you already are. Relationships are all about sacrifice when it comes to these things." Quinn huffed as she let her plate drop in the sink with a loud clang, making Rachel cringe at the sound. "Rachel I don't care about being more successful...I care about you. I care about us. It just hurts me that you are so calm about this whole fucked up situation and then you tell me you would happily throw me away too if you were given a chance? Do you even hear yourself right now?" Quinn didn't give Rachel a chance to say anything else as she passed her girlfriend and went straight to their room. "Quinn please, you know I didn't mean it like that." Quinn laughed bitterly as she started packing her things in her backpack as she turned around towards Rachel once more. "Than how did you mean it Rachel? Did you not just say that I wasn't going to be good enough for you whenever you get your Broadway career started? Because if not then I'm deaf in both ears." Rachel threw her hands up in frustration as she watched Quinn angrily pack her clothes once more. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings Quinn, I really am, but I think you're taking this whole fake scenario a little too harshly. Also, if I were in your shoes and trust me I really wish I was right about now. I wouldn't be complaining of having a gorgeous Italian woman on my arm for only a couple of months! I'd rather do that than be crammed with books for another semester." Quinn zipped her backpack and put it around her shoulder as she passed Rachel quickly. "Quinn!" Quinn didn't waste another moment as she slammed the door behind her making Rachel sigh heavily.

Author's note: hey it's been awhile.

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