Chapter 1

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Tori's POV
I woke up early, like 4am maybe?
I wandered around the house like a weirdo until I heard someone behind me.
So using my ninja-like reflexes I picked up a pan and turned.
"Don't mess with me!!" I said in a whisper-yell.
"It's just me." Ariana said, shining her bright phone-screen at my face.
She walked down the stairs and rested her arms on the island in the middle of our kitchen.
She started randomly flipping her phone around.
"Why are ya up??" She asked raising her eyebrow suspiciously.
"I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so I figured I'd hang out down here. You?" I said.
"Same."she said.
We sat there in awkwardness for awhile.
"Wanna go see a movie?" Ariana asked still rapidly tapping her phone.
"You mean later?" I asked since it was four in the morning, I'm pretty sure we weren't gonna go see any movies at the moment.
"Yes, tori." she groaned.
So we sat in peace, talked a bit, until we heard another strange noise.
"Tori, ari? Is that you. " I heard a raspy deep voice say.
Then a messy-haired shirtless freak came in, and sat on top of the island.
"Shirt please." Ariana said eyeballing cam in disgust.
"Oh please, we saw each other naked for eight months. " He laughed. Twins.
"Shut up." Ari said, shaking her head trying to get the image out of her mind.
"Who you texting?" said Cam looking at
Ariana's phone.
"None of your bees wax." Ari said, yanking her phone out of his sight.

A few minutes later mom and dad came down. Dad left the house and mom started to make our breakfast.

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