The store Accident

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Hey guys, I've had writer's block so I couldn't do this chapter and I have school but I think we know I ain't playing attention anyways, let's get started! Btw this may be angst. Also this is a few days after they had sex so Kuroo is all good now (meaning he can walk)

Bokuto: Hey baby! Could you go to the store for me?
Kuroo: Sure, what do you need?
Bokuto: we ran outta milk and cheese and I need some for tonight's dinner.
Kuroo: wait your cooking???😂
Bokuto:shut up! I can cook! *He says pouting*
Kuroo: Sure bo😂 anyway I'll be going now!
Bokuto: alright and be safe ok?
Kuroo: ok!
Kuroo goes to the store to pick up the ingredients and some other stuff for a movie that he planned to have watch with bokuto. He goes to the aisle and hears some noise and goes to check what it was. And it was a mass shooter...
M/S: Put your hands up! And I better not see no phones out or nothing or else imma shoot everyone in this building!
Kuroo: (oh god... He said he will shoot me if I open my phone but I need to check on bokuto and tell him that I may not be coming back home...) *He texts bokuto a message...

           Kuroo's and Bokuto's private messages
10:02 am

Hey bo? I may not be home today...
                                                                  Baby owl 🦉
                       Wait what!? What's happening??
Kitten ❤️
There is a mass shooter at the store I'm at... He said if we have our phones out he's gonna shoot all of us...
                                                              Baby owl 🦉
But then why are you texting me if he said to not have your phones out?
Well someone in front of me already had their phone out so I thought that if I'm gonna die I might as well spend my last moments talking to you...
                                                                  Baby owl 🦉
Listen tetsu, I'm gonna call the cops. This is serious.
Yeah I know that... That's why I'm trying to say that.... I love you.. always have always will.
                                                               Baby owl 🦉
No no! You listen to me, your gonna make it!
Oh shit. He saw me oh well bye Koutaro, I love you!
                                                               Baby owl 🦉
                                                                No wait!

   Kitten ❤️ has disconnected from the server...

Bokuto's POV:
FUCK! *He quickly dials 110 (the police number in japan)*
Police: Hello? What's your emergency-
Bokuto: Listen, I need you to get to ********store right now, there is a mass shooter there! He's about to kill my boyfriend!
Police: ok we're on our way sir, just stay calm
Bokuto: I can't stay calm! My boyfriend is going to die if you don't get there soon!
Police: ok sir we'll have an operator to try and keep you calm you can't be freaking out right now, we'll do our best to save your boyfriend and everyone else ok?
Bokuto: okay...
The police get there and find a ton of blood on the doors, they go inside and see that everyone's been shot. This one tall boy with messy black hair kinda in the shape of a rooster with a red jacket was shot in the stomach and leg, they suspect that they can at least save this one person since everyone else is dead but he still has a pulse.  They call an ambulance meanwhile bokuto is asking if his boyfriend is ok. They find the shooter and arrest him. Bokuto told the description of Kuroo
Bokuto: IS HE OK?!
Police: he's ok but also not ok... He's shot in the stomach and in the leg, we have an ambulance taking him to the hospital, they will keep him stable
Bokuto: Aright, I'll be at the hospital then.
Police: ok, also sir?
Bokuto: yes?
Police: he isn't dead yet, so try and stay calm and rest and eat, I'm sure he wouldn't want you to worry so much! We'll have the best doctors take care of him!
Bokuto: thank you officer
Bokuto goes to his car and drives to the hospital. He gets in there and See's that the ambulance has just arrived and saw Kuroo on a stretcher and multiple doctors trying to stabilize him. He has this mask on his face helping him breathe.
Bokuto: (I hope he's ok... I swear if he's not ok I'm gonna beat that shooter up while he's in handcuffs) *he was emitting this energy from him that if someone could see him.he would be fuming with anger and sadness.*
Nurse: um excuse me sir?
Bokuto: *looks at her with almost scary look, like hinata's scary eyes but worse* what.
Nurse: u- um can you please calm down?
your scaring the other patients..
Bokuto: Fine, no promises.
Nurse: o-ok thank y-you...

Time skip a few hours later the doctor comes out and says...
Doctor: Do we have a... Bokuto Koutaro!?
Bokuto: yes that's me!
He runs over to the doctor almost tripping.

Doctor: please don't run in the halls you may trip and bump into someone. Also are you his boyfriend?
Bokuto: yes I'm his boyfriend
Doctor: There's good news and there's bad news... Which one do you want first?
Bokuto: the good news...
Doctor: well the good news is he's stable... The bad news is he's in a coma....
Bokuto: how long will he be in a coma? *Tears were seen at the corners of his eyes*
Doctor: 6 months...
Bokuto was crying now.. he almost fell to his knees... But he decided to wait until he got home.
Bokuto; ....C-can I go see him?
Doctor: of course
Bokuto then went to Kuroo's room and was hesitant at first but opened the door anyway... He saw Kuroo hooked up to a ton of IV chords, his nose had these tubes going out of it and he was in a hospital gown and he had multiple chords hooked up to his stomach, his leg was in bandages. His eyes were closed and he looked almost lifeless.. bokuto walked to his bed and collapsed to the floor and clutched his chest and continued to cry at the sight of this, he was almost screaming... He stayed there crying until visiting hours were over. He went home and got into bed and was never the same way again. His eating habits started to decrease he won't drink anything except for wine or alcohol. He wouldn't talk to his friends, he wasn't the same energetic, happy, overjoyed bokuto they knew anymore... He was depressed....

Ok I'll end this chapter here! Bye! Have a great day!

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