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   "Oh, Xiao, the Traveller has been looking for you."

   The adeptus stopped mid step and turned to look at Verr Goldet with a raised eyebrow. It wasn't unusual for the young girl to seek his presence but it usually consisted of a plate of almond tofu and his name being called. Her presence had been a bit overwhelming at first but after being constantly exposed to her radiant energy, her presence had become a rare comfort for him. It was almost like a sweet delicacy, dare he say that being around her was better than the sweet feeling of almond tofu melting in his mouth.

   "She said she'll be waiting in your usual watch spot."

   He nodded in acknowledgment of her words and set off to find her. The top of Wangshu Inn was empty save for a singular floating teapot. He studied it closely before the realization came to him. This was the teapot that they, the Adepti, had discussed give to the Traveller as a thank you gift for helping to save Liyue. He contemplated over what to do for a slight second before touching the tip of the pot and allowing the magic to suck him in.

The setting was that of a typical Adeptal abode. There were three floating islands with a few miniature ones off to the side for an aesthetic feel. In the edge towards the bridge to the next island stood the entrance to the great mansion that housed the traveler. He stared in awe and looked around at every thing she had added so far. There was a little Liyue style home towards the middle but next to the mansion and another behind the mansion too. In between the houses, Lumine had set up a table with four stools. As he walked towards the front of the house, he took notice of the two lions statues that stood guard at the corners.

"Oh, Xiao!" He turned to look at Lumine as she closed the mansion door behind her, her little pixie friend no where in sight. "I'm glad you let yourself in. Haha, I forgot I was looking for you."

"You need only call my name," he reminded her.

She smiled, "I wasn't sure if you were busy. Anyway, now that you're here, what do you think?"

He looked around once more until he met eyes with the lion statues, it almost felt as if its eyes were following him. He tilted his head wondering just why would Lumine need them. The teapot itself was made from Adeptal energy and with how much she was adding in here, it felt like it was buzzing with it. The energy would be more than enough to ward off evil spirits.

"Why do you have these?"

Lumine gave him a confused look before she turned to look at the statues as well, a small and soft smile graced her lips as she turned to look back at him and shrugged, "They make me feel protected, somehow."

He could feel as heat pooled into the tip of his ears, the skin no doubt glowing red. Her answer had not been what he expected. Did she know? His beast form was not a lion yet humans decided to craft these statues as a representation of him. He had blessed them to ward off evil and negative energy but through the years few people remembered and the statues turned into symbols of wealth. He only ever saw them near houses of "important" business people.

"Do-" he cleared his throat and looked away to attempt to hide his blush. "Do you know the history behind them?"

She sighed, "unfortunately not, I've been trying to dig up as much as I can because I'm curious but all that ever comes up is that people with high status use them to intimidate competitors from other nations."

Xiao nodded, "they're meant to ward off evil. They were modeled after me."

The smile that she sported made butterflies in his stomach as she grabbed his hand. "That's why I feel protected. They have your energy within them right?"

"In a way."

Lumine chuckled and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for watching over me even unknowingly. Come, I made tofu."

Xiao smiled and returned the hug, kissing her forehead he encouraged her to go in before him. He stayed back a few minutes as he whispered another blessing into the statues, the marble momentarily glowing green as it absorbed the magic and then Xiao went in pursuit of his girlfriend and the promised Almond Tofu.

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