Chapter 2

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I froze in the air terrified staring straight down at the ground that looked so inviting a moment before but, it filled me with dread now.
"Want me to pull you back over or would you rather I let go?" A familiar voice said, while I was trying to place it the man shook me teasingly over the edge. My feet were all the way off now and I screamed.
"Look, by my point of view silence means you want to drop, is that right? Want to live or take your chance down there?"
Then I was sailing through the air but not down, maybe up? No whoever threw me, threw me back over the ledge, and a fair distance. Whoever it was had to be immensely strong, I hit the ground around ten feet from the ledge. I was stunned and saw stars when I hit, I was too disoriented to hear the man walking toward me. When I finally got my bearings I looked up and almost passed out, it was Alexander!
"Surprised to see me?" He grinned in a warm way that made me feel like my problems never mattered
I couldn't talk yet but he put his hand out to help me to my feet, he had strength that was nowhere near what it was in out first meeting. As I got to my feet, I had recovered enough to speak.
"How did you find me?" I asked hoarsely
"No thanks to the man who saved you?" He asked cocking his head to the side, he was much more animated then his body looked like it could ever be, only confusing me more
"Thank you Alexander" I said shaken from the whole experience
"That's better now, let's go" he said walking towards the door
"Wait, where are we going? How did you find me? Why are you-
He seemed to vanish from where he was and appear in front of me inhumanly fast, I would have fallen back but he grabbed my shoulder the instant he noticed me slipping.
"We will have time to answer that on the way, so let us how they say.....walk and talk" he said pushing me toward the doorway down, I noticed that he had a weird way of speaking then but, had much more pressing matters to discuss so I let it pass. As we walked down the steps I began to ask him.
"How did you find me here?" I asked one floor down
"To answer in short I followed you" he said doggedly
"Ok what's the long version then?" I asked a bit bitter that I was followed
"Well when I saw you rise to leave I felt that you were carrying a soul crushing burden, I had hoped that the advice I gave would steer you to pursue life but felt very uncertain if it would help. So I followed you and when I saw you stop at the hotel, I climbed up and waited on top of the small building you slammed open, waiting."
"What do you mean climbed to the top? I went up the stairs I would have seen you" I said feeling proud I caught him in a lie
"You didn't seem to see me when I rushed over, while you were asking all those questions" he said warmly
"But that is impossible there's no way you can move that quick, I thought my mind was just playing tricks on me"
"No, no tricks I have a lot of abilities your people don't have"
"Your people?" I stopped and looked at him "what people? Your as white as I am" I snarled
"Really if I knew you had such an issue with following basic commands such as, keep moving I would have dropped you" he asked obviously upset that I stopped
"How could you be so heartless as to even think that! Much less say it!" I roared at him
"Look there is much worse things I could have said, and much worse things than falling off this building. They will happen to both of us if you do not get your ass in gear and hurry out of here" he said very threateningly causing me to impulsively back away and start heading down. Whatever was happening had him rattled and he was much stronger than me so, I had every right to be afraid. we got halfway when I asked
"What exactly is happening?" I asked worried
"Well let us just say you are very popular in my part of the world" he said back in his cheerful manner
"Popular?" there's no way a failure like me could ever be popular in any way, I wasn't even popular in high school I had barely any friends." We hit the bottom by then and, before I could follow up my question a hand was shot over my mouth. I was pulled back in the stairwell before I could get out the door.
"Shhh" Alexander whispered into my ear, causing me to panic "we are not alone, next time I tell you go you better do it because now we have to deal with the crows" he let me go with the promise that I remain quiet
"What do birds have to do with this?" I hissed but staying quiet like he asked
"If only they were birds, that would be so much better." He chuckled "But alas they are not for you see, you have much to learn and we have far to run so we can return to this in more detail later but for now do everything I say, alright?"
"Alright" I say unsure about that explanation
"Excellent, now go to sleep" then his hand flashed and the world went dark.

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