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Kritika's p. o. v

I was just sitting in the room. I don't want to got out anyway, Maa is with papa and Shivani bhabhi is sleeping, Jiya is playing with colors but not letting me come near her. And Vivan, he is in his own world. Always thinking about something.

And about my hairband, sorry Husband I don't know where is he. So I am in my room rolling on the bed. I don't have phone also. If there was one then I would see Dramas, movies and spend my time like that.

But here I am sleeping like a potato. I was actually thinking why humans are weird like I am human too but other humans are weird. What I am thinking about. I am seriously getting mad.

Aaaaaa I ruffled my hair. Now my hair would look like nest of sparrow. Suddenly I heard someone chuckle. I looked up to see one and only Bipolar beast.

I was anyway crazy now he is here to make me more crazy. " What? " I asked and move away my hair which were actually on my face. Well my ' what ' was rude wasn't it. I feel bad now. I sat on the bed and looked at him. I want answer from him on what he chuckled.

" Nothing you just look like you are going crazy for something " He said and moved towards me. Haha I am going crazy? I have gone crazy. I just looked at him.

" Anyway I am here for something " He said and sat beside me. His hand brushed mine. I quickly move away and put some distance. Let me tell you I am still not that much comfortable with him.

" What? " I asked and looked down pretending I am looking for something. " This " As he said I looked up but he put a handful of color on face. I quickly close my eyes. I am telling everyone, I hate colors.

" Didn't I tell you that I will be the first one to put color on you " He said. I opened my eyes and looked at him. My face must look like I am ready to kill you type one. " You have done big mistake I am telling you Ranbir ".

I said as I stood up and was going to put my hands on his shoulder to stop him from running away but he just quickly ran away. Aaaaa I am done. I am seriously done. I have to bath one more time.

I am not going to leave you remember Ranbir Chaudhry. I grab my cloths and went inside the bath room.


It was  evening time, I was in the living room with everyone as all talked and I was sitting playing with my bangles. Ranbir came as he was putting his phone in his pocket.

" Dad I think we have to go back to Mumbai, actually a important thing have came up in the office " Ranbir spoke and looked at papa, who frown his eyebrows.

( please note that Ranbir is living in Mumbai, I wanted to tell you cause as I told you before there are going to be more Mafia book which will maybe related to this book)

" What came up? " Papa asked as Raj Uncle looked at papa in confusion. It's only been two days we came and something important came up?

" Dad it's not that big thing but Company needs me and Aryan bhai " Ranbir spoke as Papa nodded his head. " What if we stay here and Ranbir and Aryan can go and come when work is finished? " Maa spoke as papa looked at maa, I think he liked Man's idea.

" We can do that, Ranbir and Aryan you both can go and then come back when work is done " Papa said. I am really happy now if this bipolar beast will go then I can sleep comfortably on bed and live with peace.

" But maa I think you should send Kritika with Ranbir " Shivani bhabhi said and I looked at her. She winked at me and then turn towards Maa. Seriously why Shivani bhabhi is doing this to me. My happy moments got shattered.

" Oh yes, Ranbir you take Kritika with you and you are newly wedded so you both should stick together." Maa said and looked at me. I am telling you I am going to run away from here. Help me God.

This Beast is going to eat me alive seriously, I want to jump in Arabian sea wait it will be far I should jump in near by sea or lake. What I am even thinking. Ahhhhhhhhh.

" Kritika " No response.

" Kritika " No response.

" KRITIKA " " What happened Maa why are you screaming my name? " I asked maa as I looked around. " I was calling you but you were not responding me " Maa said as Shivani bhabhi nodded her head in agreement.

" Oh I was not paying attention " I said and smiled. " Ok but go and pack you stuff " Maa said as I nodded and start to move towards the room.

I take the bags which were kept in the corner of  the room and started to put clothes in it. After good 20 minutes it was done. Seriously I have to pack that beasts cloths too. I am like his secretary.

If killing someone was not a crime then surely Ranbir was dead with my hands. Hah and the way he smirks, he thinks he look cool.

He look cool.

Wow my inner self also betrayed me. Are you really my side my inner self?

Yes I am.

Then why the fuck did you praise him?

Firstly stop cursing and I was telling truth.

Wow are you judge?

No but-

Then shut up you don't know anything about my feelings.

He is your husband.

So what, that means he will rule over me?

No but why are arguing with me if you have problem with him you should talk to him.

Like he will listen to me, anyway he threaten me so much. And he tease me also. You know I hate when someone tease me.

I know, you pulled a boy's hair for teasing you when you were in 5 th grade.

Hey it was really long back.

Let me Finnish, and when he said he will complaint about you, you made him your brother.

Shut up inner self.

" KRITIKA "  I Finch and turn towards the owner of the voice which in none other then Ranbir Chaudhry. " Y-yes "
" I called you but you were in your own imaginary world I think. " Ranbir said and smiled at me. Damn that smile.

See now who is drooling?



" You once again gone in you lalaland? "
Ranbir said as I just take the bags and start to walk out of the room. But I was stopped by him once again.

" Give me I will take this " He said and take the bags from my hands. " I am not a small child who can't carry a bag either " I mumble to myself and looked at ground. " You are not a child but if I am here for all this things then why are you giving pain to those soft hands "

I looked at my hands. Are these soft? Why is he talking all cheesy I think he have watched Shahrukh khan's movie. I will tell Aunt Simi to take off plug of tv other wise he will be like this only.


So how is the ch and if you like then vote.

Previous ch question was who is your celebrity crush?

My answer is:

I have so much celebrity crushes that it is hard to count. Some of them are :
BTS, Kartik Aryan, and Lee Min ho.
And many more.

So the Question of this ch is :

Which is your Favorite song?

Till then byee byee...

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