Gossamerpink presents :-
Kritika Gupta is a Simple girl, studying in third year of college. Small Family, good friend and really happy life. But it changes when....
Ranbir Chaudhry came in her life. Ranbir Chaudhry owner of Chaudhry cooperation whi...
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Third person p.o.v.
It was afternoon time. Ranbir was in the middle of a meeting with a company, discussing about there new project.
Vivan was giving speech while standing next to projector. While everyone was listening. Ranbir was listening but his mind was only at one place,
He was not knowing why did he do that. He can't understand why he want to keep Kritika. Is it affection, or love. Not know what is it. He is just to much out of it.
" Mr Chaudhry what do think about this? " Ranbir snapped his head towards the voice. He cleared his throat and spoke. " Um it is good I think we should start doing it "
" Oh then I think the deal is done we will meet again actually I had to go at another meeting " The man spoke. " Yeah it alright "
They stand up and leave the room. While Vivan came to Ranbir. " Bhai what happened to you, you are not here I think and why did you not let that girl go bhai "
" I don't know and please please stop I, ............... Also don't know what is happening to me " vivan keep his hand on Ranbir's shoulder. " Bhai I know whatever you will do you will do good only "
Ranbir nodded. And stand up heading towards his office. As he get nearby his office, He saw his secretary standing there might be waiting for him.
" Sir -" Not letting him speak Ranbir said " Tell everyone not to disturb me I am at my office and I want peace " " But sir - " Once again not letting him speak Ranbir went in the office and slammed the door shut .
Kritika start to open her eyes. She stand up and looked around , it was still same she thought maybe it was bad dream. Then she once again remember her mom's worried face.
Tears once again start to built up. She has only one thing in her mind. To get out of this. She thought maybe another person is there and open the door so she get out of this.
She start to bang on the door. " Is someone there please open the door i wanna go home " Still banging there for 10 minutes no one came. She just sat on the floor and start to cry.
Suddenly she heard the door open. And now was the time she looked up to find a girl. Or tel me tell you it was Anishka. Kritika stand up and hold hand of Anishka.
" Please please let me go , I wanna go home my parents are waiting ". " Hey hey stop crying, please don't cry. " Anishka try to make he stop crying. Kritika start to walk towards the door.
But Anishka take her hand " Hey you can't go " " WHY NOT , CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND MY PARENTS ARE WORRIED FOR ME " Kritika now burst with anger. " Please listen, I really can't let you go and eat this. " As she said that she went out of the room.
Making sure it was locked. Anishka felt really guilty. I have to ask him what is upto him.
Kritika on other hand just bang her hand in the wall. Which lead to hurt her only. She looked at the food. She is no mood to eat . She saw around the room. There was another door too. She gone near the door and open it.
It was a bathroom. A giant bathroom. She quickly start to look around. May be she can find something. But nothing. There was not even a window.
She just sign in frustration. She just sit in the room staring blankly at the floor. She was sitting on the floor.
Not knowing what time is it. She just sat there like zombie. Suddenly she heard the door open. She looked at the direction. And there she saw. Ranbir Chaudhry.
She stood up. Ranbir came towards her. " You have not eaten anything. So eat this " He said as she just looked at the food. When Anishka came to give her food that was also there.
She try to talk to him. " Please listen, I know I tell you bad things that I don't have to tell you. But please let me go. " Ranbir sign. And looked at her.
He saw her red eyes. She might be crying. "Eat it " was the word he said. Fully ignoring her sentence. " Please met me go, I don't wanna eat please let me go. "
" I am telling you, eat it " Now it was time of her to burst. " I AM TELLING YOU I DONT WANNA EAT THEN JUST LET ME GO, THERE IS NOTHING IN ME AND I DON'T HAVE MONEY SO LET ME GOO. "
Ranbir was taken back. He just looked at her. He take out his phone and started to dial a number. Kritika looked at him like what was he doing.
The phone answered and Ranbir put his phone on speaker. " Hello, are you keeping an eye on Kritika's family. " Kritka's eyes widened. " Yes, sir. What do you want? Do you want to kill them right now "
Kritika start to shook her head. " No please " " No I was just confirming. " And then he cut the call. He look at Kritika whose eyes were filled with tear.
He doesn't want to do that but he have to. " If you will eat, your family will survive " he said as Kritika just stood there. He gave plate to her. As she just sat on the bad. As she take the first bite. The food also taste nothing when she is crying.
She just eat two to three spoon only. And shook her head that she don't want to eat. Ranbir just take the plate and get out of the room.
Ranbir was still imagining the scene how krtika looked cute while eating. But he was so much feeling down for making her cry.
I know, I know late update but hey I if you like it then vote.