chapter 1

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Y/n pov

"Y/n wake up!" My mom yells from the bottom of the stairs

"I am up" I say back. "Its Saturday why are you waking me up at 6AM?

"Training." She replys

"I'm supposed to hang out with Sam and Peter today"

"We aren't hanging out till 1" Sam says

"You're not supposed to tell her that!" I yell at him. I was really trying to get out of this.

"Training comes first y/n" my mom says. I roll my eyes.

"Fine I'll be down in a minute, Can you make coffee?"

"It'll be gone before you get any. Everyone else is awake too" she says

I roll out of bed dreading being awake. Sam did not help at all. I was up all night because I couldn't sleep. Like always. But I get into my training clothes and go downstairs to the training room.

"Wow you got down here faster than I expected" steve says to me.

"I'm training with you today?" I ask him

"Yeah is that a problem?" He asks

"No. I was just hoping that instead of training I would just be able to hangout with everyone before me and my mom leave for our trip." I say.

"Ah well I'll make a deal. You beat me at this part I'll let you go early" Steve says

"Okay deal" I smile "I beat you every time."

"That's only because he goes easy on you" Tony says

"I'd still beat him even if he wasn't going easy" I say in a confident voice. I'm small and it's easy to maneuver around him.

"I'd love to see you try" Tony says laughing

Me and Steve start are training. I'm determined to win this so I can leave early. Me and Steve are all over the room. Jumping kicking and punching. Eventually he get his hand around my waist and pulls me towards him but I flip around his arm and push him down.

"Well well well" Tony says "looks like a girl beat you"

"Shut up. I let her win. She wants to hang out with her friends" steve says back

"Sure Steve. Whatever helps you sleep at night" I say giving him my hand so he can get back up

"Steve she beat you fair and square. You didn't let her win." My mom says walking into the room "she's my daughter after all. She learned from the best.

"Steve said if I won I could go early. Soo can I go?" I ask.

"Yeah of course a deal is a deal" she says

"Thanks mom byee love you" I say running out of the training room and up to my bedroom

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