chapter 2

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Y/n pov

I get up to my room and go into my bathroom. I turn on the shower so it can get warm. I take my hair out if the ponytail it is in and take off my sweaty clothes and put them in my laundry basket then get into the shower. I wash my myself off then turn off the water and step out. Wrapping my towel around me. I walk over to my closet and start looking through my clothes. I pull out a pair of ripped jeans my f/c sweater and just some ordinary black socks. I dry my hair and then I get dressed. It's only 8AM so after I'm ready for my day I go down and make coffee and get something for breakfast.

"Can you make enough coffee for me?" Bruce says walking sleepily over to the island at the kitchen.

"Did you just wake up?" I ask. Mom said everyone was already awake

"I was up earlier for a bit but I was tired and there was nothing to do so I went back to sleep" he responds

"Well you could have watched me beat steve in out training session. I know Tony enjoyed watching that." I respond kinda giggling.

"Ah shoot. I would have loved to see that to. Let me know when you're gonna do it again" bruce says with a small laugh

"Definitely." I say "coffee is done if you want some." I say to him in a whisper. We know that if someone hears the word coffee everyone comes flying into the kitchen like seagulls

"Thanks" Bruce whispers back.

"Want some pancakes?" I ask him

"Of course" he responds grabbing 2 plates from the cabinet before going to sit down with his coffee. Me and Bruce do this a lot. Sit and hang out while eating our breakfast and drinking our coffee it's kinda just become routine.

"So what are your plans for today?" Bruce asks taking a bite of his pancakes

"Well training ended early so I have spare time until around 1 cause then Sam Peter and I are going to hang out before I leave for my trip with mom" I respond.

"That should be fun"

"Yeah." I say. We sit and eat and drink our coffee wondering who is going to walk in and yell that's theres coffee. Most of the time it's when Clint gets here. He'll walk in and say ouu coffee and everyone come running. It's funny cause they'll being fighting over cups and who get the sugar while me and Bruce sit there and laugh while drinking our coffee that we didn't have to fight over.

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