Chapter 7: Tour

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I stand here waiting while everyone leaves the class. Liz, Patty, and Kid all stand by the door. I give them a minute to leave, but they don't.

"(y/n), are you coming?" Liz yells to me.

I send a puzzled look her way.

"You're new, so we assumed we'd show you around the school after class," Kid adds.

"Oh," I stumble down the stairs while tossing my backpack over my shoulder.

"Yay!" Patty adds as we all walk out of the classroom. Kid leads the way down the hall and shows me where the N.O.T. classroom is.

"There's a board outside each of these classrooms for information everyone in the class should know. You won't need to check this one, but I wanted to show it to you anyway."

Liz points out the bathrooms as we pass them and Patty makes fun of the statues in the halls. As we circle through the school, we reach the end of our small tour.

"This is the Nurse's Office. You would come here or be brought here if you got hurt." Kid continues, "Hopefully that doesn't happen, but we've all ended up in here at some point. Especially us meisters," He winces at the topic.

He tries to get away from the slightly awkward mood, "The school is very large, so don't be afraid to ask any of us for help. I'm sure our other friends would be willing to help too."

Liz turns to Kid, "Do we want to introduce (y/n) to some of them? I think Black☆Star and Tsubaki were staying after school to practice a bit,"

"We should!" Patty adds.

"Well then, if it's okay with (y/n)," They all turn to me and wait for me to respond. I don't really want to meet too many people. It'll make leaving a lot harder. I don't want to make them feel bad, though, so I sort of mumble, "Sure,"

Kid leads the three of us out of the building, and the boy with the blue hair is out here fighting the girl with the pigtails. They both have weapons out, which I assume are the kids from class. Does that mean my knives are also people? That might explain the problem with when they show up...

"Hey! Maka! Black☆Star!" Liz yells to them. "We've got someone for you to meet!"

Pigtails dodges the boy's next move with the intention of giving up the fight and walks over to us.

"Oh, you again! Hey!" Her scythe transforms back to a boy in a black and yellow jacket. Maka waves at me and shoved her elbow into the white-haired boy, signaling for him to introduce himself.

"Ow! I'm Soul, Maka's weapon partner." He glared at Maka for hitting him.

I think I'm starting to understand this whole weapon thing a little, but it's still really confusing. Plus, it doesn't make sense with what I've learned about my daggers.

The blue boy runs over, "Hey! You can't just give up on a fight like that, Maka!" His blades turn back to the girl they were before, her black hair swinging in the tall ponytail of hers.

"I'm Tsubaki, and this-"

"I'm Black☆Star, but you should already know that by now," the boy chuckles, "I've pretty much surpassed God at this point, so I'm pretty important,"

I turn to the three I had met earlier, Liz and Kid roll their eyes about what Black☆Star said.

"Crona's still here too if we want to introduce him too," Maka says.

I don't really need to know this many people, but I don't want them to be mad that I don't meet them.

"Hey, Crona!" Maka calls over to the stairs. The lanky boy unfolds and walks over with a hand on his elbow.

"Hi," He's quiet. I get it. I don't bother trying to get him to say much more. I don't care to get to know these people. I'm just gonna leave anyway.

"I'm (y/n)," How many times have I said that today?

"Should we all hang out tonight, for us to all get to know (y/n) and stuff, y'know?" Maka offers.

"Oh, I kinda have to finish unpacking and get groceries and stuff," I don't really want to hang out with them, sorry. I don't want to get attached to this place. I'm older now, it's a lot harder to play off bringing knives to school as something innocent.

"Are you sure? You could all come over to my place. It's not that much space, but we could make it work," Maka continued.

"We just live in the dorms if you finish your work. I assume you live there too, right?" Soul adds.

They live in the same building? They're gonna be so hard to avoid!

Maka invites everyone else, "You guys should still come, in case (y/n) is actually able to make it, it'd be fun!"

A lot of them agree, and tell her when they'll show up. Maka and Soul leave to go get ready, and the others head home to put their school things away. Kid stops on the first step and turns back, "If you're going grocery shopping, there's a building just down the street from here," He points, "It's got a big, symmetrical, green sign, it's pretty hard to miss," He continues hopping down the stairs to catch up with the sisters.

I smile. I'm not sure why. He's kind? That's probably why. It was a very nice thing of him to do.

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