Chapter 39

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"What do you want?"

I had felt him all day, watching. He seemed to be itching for a chance to get me alone. When I had made up an excuse to leave the others at lunch I had known he would follow.

He didn't answer just smirked in an irritating way that had me wanting to slam the locker door open into his handsome face.

"Can I help you with something?" Still no answer. Irritated I grabbed up my heavy backpack prepared to storm past him. Only to be stopped my a strong hand on my upper arm.

"I just wanted to talk." He finally admitted, dropping my arm as soon as I indicated I wanted him to let go.

"Then talk, instead of staring at me." It was unsettling to have his shining brown eyes trained on me, taking in every detail.

"Yeah...right.." Traz ran a hand over his closely shaved head. He looked at a loss for words. I never thought to see this overconfident Zionian looking uncomfortable, but he clearly was. "What's up?"

"Seriously? What's up?" I quirked an eyebrow. "Is that the best you can come up with?"

"No." Just like that his cocky attitude was back. "What's up with you constantly babying that friend of yours?"

"My friend is going through a hard time." What right did he have to question my loyalty to my best friend?

"Still, do you have any clue how hard it was to get you alone?" He was clearly irritated by this fact.

"I'm sorry." I replied sarcastically. "From now on I'll be sure to carve out alone time so you can stalk me easier."

"I'm just saying, the girl so much and looks the wrong way and you're jumping to help her."

"She's done the same for me." Each time Landon and I were in a fight she was the first one by my side. When my brother, Wes, left home to join the arm, I had been so worried at first I couldn't sleep. She had spent a week straight at my house, cheering me up with Ben and Jerry's ice cream and vampire diaries marathons. "So sorry if I don't feel the need to explain my relationship with Amber to you."

"Ok, you win." He held his hands up in surrender when he could tell I was starting to get really turned off by this conversation. "I just wanted to tell you thank you anyways."

I wanted to say that I had forgotten all about our last encounter, when he had been breaking and entering. But I hadn't been able to get it out of my mind. And not for the reasons I should.

No, I kept replaying his voice calling me Sunshine. His lopsided smile as he tugged at my hair. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't push him from my mind.

That is when I wasn't thinking about Landon's betrayal. A Landon who was currently strutting in my direction, the girl from the dance clinging to his arm and smiling up at him adoringly.

"Shit." I felt the blood rush from my face. "Shit, shit, shit." I looked frantically for a place to hide. Finding nowhere that would provide cover before Landon and his new fling came upon me, I did the only other thing I could think of. I pulled on Traz, using his large form as a shield.

"What the hell, sunshine?" Traz turned to see what had turned me into a lunatic..

"Don't look." I hissed, grabbing onto him to keep him from turning.

I had been successful in avoiding Landon for the most part, this year. I had my routine down to a science so I would never have to pass him in the halls. Only today, because of Traz I had deviated. And this was the thanks I got for that.

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