
365 5 16

This contains smut, please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable.

Female reader.

You and Dom were playing fighting on the bed. It all started when you hid the remote from him, he tackled you down the bed easily pinning your hands above your head with one hand, attacking your sides with tickles.

"Where the fuck is it, huh?" He asked, making you laugh more when his floppy brown hair tickled your nose and forehead.

Catching him off guard, you managed to hold either side of his hips with your knees, flipping him over onto his back, then quickly straddling his lap.

You were surprised when you managed to do it successfully, still you didn't let him know that though.

"Hey!" He said, giggling and sitting up to meet your face, "That was a dirty move, now where the fuck is it?" 

You ran your hand up his chest, widening your fingers when it reached his throat, slowly and slyly getting a grip on it. Dom let out a little smirk, probably because he expected you to do something, but instead your hand just rested there.

"I told you, i don't fucking-"

The second you squeezed your small fingers into the pulses on the side of his neck, Doms eyes flickered back, along with his head and the slack relaxed hands that were rested on your hips tightened.

A small little groan erupted from beneath chest slipping past his now parted pink lips.

"What the fuck" You whispered to your self, shifting on his lap, when you felt a unexpected wave of heat rush through your body at the sight of him.

You dropped your hand immediately letting it fall on your lap. He soon grabbed it again, bringing his head back up and placing it back where it was.

Your finger tips found themselves covering the already red marks on his neck from where you had just had your hand.

"Do that again, please?"

You immediately smirked, tightening your hand and pushing his back onto the bed, hovering yourself over him.

"Fuck." He moaned, pushing his head back on the pillow under him.

"I'm not going to touch you, unless you beg." You whispered against his lips.

Dom gave you pleading eyes, his pupils big. They were enough to drive you crazy on a normal day, never mind like this.

A little whimper slipped past his lips, causing you to dig your fingers further into his pulse, only giving him a tiny bit of air to breathe.

"Please, Y/N" He begged, moving his hips up.

He probably done that to make you feel how hard he was beneath you, because he couldn't speak much. Even though you could already feel it.

His fingernails were digging deep into your ribs, as he scraped them down desperately more whimpers slipping from his lips, when you didn't do anything or answer him.

"What do you want me to do?" You asked him, letting go of his neck to drag ur finger down his jaw then a little bit down his bare chest.

Dom whined, his brows furrowed in desperation. "Touch me, i'm throbbing Y/N, fuck me im throbbing so bad." 

You bit you lip, brushing his hair back that was already stuck to his forehead, thinking for a second, before dragging your finger down his cheek, down the red marks on his neck then to lining of his underwear.

"Are you going to be a good boy?" You asked him, tracing your finger in the lining of his boxers, making him take in a fast gasp at the sensitive feeling.

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