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Dipper's POV

I sat on the bench in the summer heat as Mabel played around with Waddles.

"Dipper, come join us!" Mabel said, picking up Waddles.

"Alright," I laughed, picking up a water balloon and throwing it at her.

"Aah! Dipper!" Mabel growled, she got nasty when she is in a water balloon fight, she won five gold medals in a row.

A water balloon flew toward my face and hit me. I flew back but I got a water balloon and threw it at Mabel.

Mabel caught the water balloon like nothing, and threw it back at me, and hopped to a log.

I rolled out of the way and I got up, throwing water balloons at Mabel, in which she gracefully dodged.

Another water balloon tackled me.

I fell on the floor covered in water, "Alright, alright, you win, Mabel!" I said, getting up.

Mabel smiled. "Dudes, Stan wants you guys to clean out some souvenirs," I heard Soos come out of the Mystery Shack.

Mabel and I sighed, "Okay," We said in unison.

A few hours later...

When we were done cleaning Stan's weird old souvenirs, I got a text.

"Ooh, who's it from?" Mabel said, looking over my shoulder, "You should really get a case for that," she added, taking out her phone which had a cat case on it.

"Hey, don't look at my phone," I laughed, pushing her away.

Mabel laughed and went over to the couch.

It was a text from Pacifica.

"Again?" I sighed.

"Hey dipper, I'm having a party at the northwest mansion and you and Mabel and I guess candy and grenda are invited, just come in with some suit on or something so my parents won't think your not fancy, k?" The text said.

"Should I come?" I sighed.

"COME TO WHAT?" Mabel shouted.

"A party, hosted by Pacifica!" I said, looking at Mabel.

"Oh my GASH!" Mabel shouted, "CAN I INVITE CANDY AND GRENDA!?"



I could hear screams of joy.

A few hours later...

"Ugh, this suit," I said, tugging at the collar. It was the suit that Pacifica gave me at the Northwest Mansion party.

Candy and Grenda came over.

"Alright, girls!" Mabel said, "We have to look fashionable!"

After a while, Mabel came out, wearing a pink dress with a yellow tulip on her shoulder.

Candy came out with a green dress that had lace all around it.

Grenda came out with an orange dress with yellow star earrings.

"Where did you get those outfits?" I said, sitting on the couch.

"We made them!" Grenda growled.

"Dang," I sent a text to Pacifica saying, "we r coming,".

A few hours later...

As Stan's car pulled up to Pacifica's house, I tugged on my collar.

Pacifica was outside in the sunshine. She wore a hot pink no-sleeve blouse along with a pink skirt lined in purple lace. She also wore red gems, most likely ruby, as her earrings.

"Dipper!" Pacifica waved as I got out of the car, "Thanks for coming to the party!"

She glanced at Mabel, Candy and Grenda and then back to me, "You all came,"

"Yeah," I said and I went inside.

Pacifica and my sister's group followed me.

After a while, Pacifica went up to me during the party said, "Do you want to dance?"

I really wanted to say no but something about her made me say yes.

As the song started, I took her hand and we started to dance.

To be honest, I suck at dancing.

Pacifica swayed back and forth as I awkwardly swayed with her.

"You dance well," I sighed.

Pacifica laughed and she swayed even more and when the song ended she laughed and she let go of my hand.

"I don't care if you are bad at dancing, Dipper," Pacifica said.

I blushed.


I heard a loud boom.

"What is that!?" I shouted, turning around.

I saw a huge monster, about half the size of the manor.

It was hairy and it shook the manor.

Everyone started to scream.

I took Pacifica's hand and I ran to the painting room. "Pacifica, stay here, I gotta get rid of the monster,"

"But Di-" Pacifica wanted to argue.

"No! Stay here!"

I took out my journal and I left the room.

"Monster, monster, monster," I repeated, flipping the pages in the journal.

"Monster!" I found a page that told me about monsters, and one was identical to the one that was attacking the manor.

"Goo found in Bright Forest will stop monster..." I read the journal.

I opened a window and I fell into a mud puddle.

I ran into the forest and then I found a huge forest. It was bright and it was covered with bright mushrooms.

"Dipper?" Pacifica was behind me.

I know this is kind of a short chapter but yeah.

Also, I'm sorry about so many "A few hours later", I just want to make the story more interesting.

Also, if you vote please comment, also thank you SOOOOO much for 200 views, it means a LOT!

Also, um, if you don't mind, I have a YouTube channel and I posted a Gravity Falls animation on it and it would be great if you could check it out and like it or comment :)



*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

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