Credits and Other Notes I Got.

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So... Not going to get too personal, but this was a vent story meant to cope with my mood swings caused by flashbacks of my family's abusive ways of disciplining me. I always needed to comfort myself by writing this and drawing the concepts of it.
I was clearly in a bad mental state dealing with so many issues online and in real life while writing this story.

I've never really wanted to do stories about a character being a mistake and sent to the Void as I felt uncomfortable with it. But as I sometimes felt like a big mistake and there were so many Void original characters with interesting backstories that attached me, I wanted to create this story about myself as a Void OC to vent out my feelings and emotions towards my life. I even did a short story about it on DeviantArt which made me want to expand the concept into a complex story. I have it linked in this page for you to read.

I would like to thank everyone who read this story and understood everything within it.
I'm still under bad issues I have to fix, but soon I will get out of my misery and fight back so I can become better and happier.

I hope you enjoyed this emotional story I worked so hard on for a month or two. It really means a lot to me mentally... so I hope you liked it.

See y'all in the next story I will work on. ;)

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