mi casa es tu casa

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I finished taking the lasagna out of the oven just as the doorbell rang. Since Charlie and Victoria are finalizing their divorce Kye, Maddison and Cameron are staying here for two nights. Apparently, Aiden doesn't get to watch the three of them because he isn't responsible enough and Liam and Dylan only have a two-bedroom house so here we are. Jasper opened the door and all three of them ran in, Jasper was talking to Charlie but they were too far away to hear. 

Cameron ran up to me to see what I was making, a big smile spread across his face the cheesy top layer of the Lasagna smelled so good.

" Are you guys ready to have the best weekend of your life?" Jasper asked bringing their bags up to Stella Ruth and Bennett's room. 

All three of them cheered, I laughed and started serving lasagna onto plates " Who's hungry for lasagna?" I asked and they all called 'me' 

We had to pull out extra chairs for them, dinner was rather silent just the sound of chewing. When dinner was gone we put on a new movie and all the kids hung out in the living room watching it. I had to go bath Stella Ruth so I missed most of the movie. She wasn't cooperating instead splashing me with water so after her bath was done, I had to change. Stella Ruth was all clean and asleep in Jasper and I's room....yeah ok so Stella Ruth's room is kinda small and can only fit 1 twin blow-up mattress. So Cameron can sleep there we moved her crib to our room and put down one blow-up mattress, the problem is we only have two so, Maddison is sleeping on Bennetts bed and Kye is sleeping on a blow-up mattress both in Bennetts room and Bennett is sleeping in the fort he won't let us takedown in the living room. Bam sleeping situation is taken care of, now to get everyone in Pjs. I paused the movie and everyone shuffled upstairs to get their PJs on, Bennett just following the three kids. 

Cameron's POV

I ran to where my bag was, quickly throwing off my shirt and pants so I could get back fast. Pulling on my blue pyjama shirt I can't find my bottoms. I searched through the bag, bottoms are at the bottom. I pulled them on and ran back downstairs, ha I'm the first go cam. I plopped down in the middle of the couch and grabbed the bowl of popcorn waiting for my sisters and Benny. It took so long before they finally appeared at the top of the stairs. Uncle Jasper played the movie and....aw man I called it I knew he wasn't dead....where did he get a sword from this is the best movie ever.

Maddison's Pov

That was such a long movie, Kye and Maddison picked it...it was so weird. Aunt Rosy told us to brush our teeth and get into bed. I can't sleep though, not just because of Kye's snoring mom and dad are splitting us which means we are going to have two houses and I don't want two houses I don't want two families...Mum will win our house, she is a lawyer she always wins so dad will have to get another house...happier thoughts think happier thoughts...ok so Tristan said he wanted to ask someone out to the winter dance, so I said I'd help him because I am the best best friend ever, so he said he wanted to ask out Jessica which I guess I get Jessica is so sweet but she doesn't deserve Tristan but I'm not going to be jealous anymore. So Mum brought both of us shopping for the dance I would have asked aunt Rosy but she hates the mall. So I got this dress and I asked Tristan how it looked and guess what he said......he said I looked really pretty ahhhhh, then at the dance Jessica had to leave early and Tristan asked me to dance, he said friend dance but still, he kissed the back of my hand so yeah...ahhhhh.

Kye's Pov

I hate when I wake up and I have to go pee, I basically crawled to the bathroom, tiered and groggily I used the bathroom then washed my hands...did you know Aunt Rosy and Uncle Jasper have a bathtub and a shower...i didn't so I didn't realize there was a bathtub till I was face down on the cold bathtub floor. There was a quick knock on the door.

" you okay?" An unrecognizable voice asked and I jumped up and swung open the bathroom door which startled the person in the hall, uncle Jasper was standing there with Stella Ruth in his arms.

" yeah I'm cool," I said turning my head to the side

" Nappy," he said looking down at Stella Ruth

"what?" I scrunched my eyebrows and he laughed

" Diaper" He repeated himself and I nodded then turned to the side to let him pass, I walked straight back to Bennett's room to sleep again.

Jasper's PoV

why are the lights so bright, oh Stella Ruth why did you have to wake up. don't worry I still love you, I thought to myself as I put on a fresh nappy not on me..on her, she was half asleep seemingly staring off into the distance. I laughed silently to myself, quickly washing my hand then picked her back up, she looked up at me as if just realizing I was there she let out a little squeal and reached up for me, grabbing my face. I kissed her forehead then brought her back to her cot my gorgeous wife still sound asleep in bed I tin 't believe she is mine I mean me she is so amazing and could have literally anyone but she chose me.

 " love you, my love" I whispered before shutting my eyes

My new stepbrothers the sequelWhere stories live. Discover now