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"So.. What's your plan you got there?" Bitz asked feeling curious

"What about..." Wisp slowly started

"About?" Deo impatiently asked 

"Let me fucking finish" Wisp glared at Deo

"Just fucking continue! We don't have all day!" Tommy yelled at both of them

"So.. What about... Instead of performing in front of everyone with knowing that we're the greatest Minecraft youtubers and a vlogger— we should like, don't show our faces?" Wisp suggested

"How?" The other 4 members chorused

"We can like... Draw our own oc with lyrics on the screen like Derivakat or Annapantsu? Or adjust the camera angle? Or we can just put a lyric video like Dream or shit?" Wisp slowly but surely elaborated

"Hmm.. We can do the first one I guess or just combine them all together like taking turns!" Luke enthusiastically said

"Sure.. But do any of us know how to draw though?" Tommy giving in

It was silent for a moment.

But then, heads are turning little by little towards Wisp. They soon stared at him which is kinda creepy for him. 

"Uhm... Are you all possessed or shit?" Wisp said, frightened

"We saw your digital art and your Sketchpad Wisp so don't ever try to pretend you can't draw" Deo threatened

"Ugh fine! I give up. How did you even find and saw it anyway? I swear I hid them tightly" Wisp said, looking defeated

"Our little boss have our ways" All of them except Tommy said


It's been a week since that conversation happened through discord. 

All plans are set accordingly, well—quite.

They were having troubles since it's hard to do it all synchronously.

They succeeded it anyway. 

All of them have their own tasks since Wisp kinda managed everything and the other members felt bad so here they are. 

Luke and Bitzel are the ones who organized the channel. Putting a decent profile picture and a YouTube banner. 

Their profile picture consists of themselves but all of them are shadows. Their backgrounds are the sky. Instead of color blue, it is dark purple with a mixture of dark pink. 

On the other hand, their banner is pure pitch black but it has a white thing that looks like sprinkles or stars. It also have their initials written below.

They have a gloomy yet peaceful vibe. 

Deo and Tommy are revising their old private videos. They suffered a lot because of the amount of cringe. 

Both of them decided to delete them all completely. Though, Tommy downloaded them into his private file for memories or completely blackmail.

Deo find it weird. 

It was an easy job and they were finished rather quickly. 

Both of them need to help the others though since it's quite unfair. 

After they were all done, they began to find their old manuscript of songs. 

When they do find it, they have to re-write it again since— let's just say... It's really not the best. 

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