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After about 2-3 months and a half of waiting, after 2 new special singles with a lot of song covers came out, after endless planning, after a lot of cover-up lores and few contents to keep the lovely viewers contented and entertained, it's finally here.

On this very day, second week, Friday the 14th, 2022, is Geppy's birthday and it will be eventful.

Tommy didn't give Skeppy an actual birthday gift but a solo song and a surprise for him will be enough, right? Eh—

The boys wake up quite earlier than ever than their usual waking up schedule. It is currently 3 o'clock and 30 minutes and they have a lot to do in that exact time. Even though they are very grumpy towards Wisp since he woke them up at a very early hour, they still have to do quite a few things before the stream. Besides, they have a lot of coke, food, energy drinks, coffees, tea (not that type of tea), popcorn, ingredients to cook and a lot of things to keep them awake.

Though, the cold beverages are quite useless really since Alexandria and Oliver forbid them to drink cold drinks and/or food before their unexpected performance so they have to stick to the warm stuff. Their coffee or any hot food or drink needs to be at least warm and not too hot so that their voices will not be raspy. Yes, both of their producers and basically their new managers, aside from Wisp, are strict when it comes to performing.

Bitzel is cooking them an early breakfast which is some eggs and bacon with not-too-hot earl grey tea for each of them. The others are waiting for their food on their high stool chair at the kitchen island.

The stream will be at 6 in the morning in England so they have a few hours left.

After eating, Deo already gave them their respective outfits in their bedrooms beforehand so all they need to do is change into that. And gotta say, they look dashing.

Deo looks like he's about to go to a beach even though it's practically winter.

Bitzel looks like he's going on a road trip with the boys.

Luke looks actually normal but still looks like he's about to burn because of his sweat that's been dripping down and needs an air conditioner.

Wisp looks like he's going to a school ballgame and surprisingly comfy with it.

Tommy looks like he's about to rebel. That's it.

Deo did customize their outfits especially Wisp's jersey and it took him a whole month and it costs a lot.

There was one time where Tommy almost regretted piercing his ears twice if it's by pair and four times if it's by each due to the slight immediate pain and not really wearing any earrings because of school— Anyways,

"Deo, is this really necessary?" Tommy complained

"Oh god it's too hot. Fuck" Luke took off his winter jacket

"Of course it is! We're the BB bois after all, nothing is normal" Deo reminded them

"At least Bitzel is rich for all of this" Wisp jokes, kinda

"OI" Bitzel yelled

"I'm nervous" Tommy blurted out

"That's a good sign" Deo sarcastically said

Alexandria and Oliver will be visiting later. Together with Wilbur, Eryn, Freddie and Jack because at least they will help explain the DreamSMP members later. Especially towards Dream.

If you're asking about Tommy's school. Let's just say- he doesn't have any school.

Tommy decided to vlog about everything that's been currently happening because the BB bois will open up a vlogging channel soon after the reveal.

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