Part 10

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Part 10

"Olivia?" Pat said knocking on her door. "Olivia please let me. I'm here okay" Pat voice's breaking. Olivia finally opens the door. The bags under her eyes are visible, and her eyes are turning red from all of her crying. She collapsed on Pat's arm, still sobbing and saying nothing. Pat tries hard not to cry as well. He consoles Abby, who is probably experiencing more emotions right now. "We need to go, alright. Stop tearing up let's be there for Alex." he rubs her back. Olivia only continues to cry more. "We're too late. It our fault isn't." "Don't say that Olivia. Don't blame yourself, alright." he reassure Olivia. "Then why would he kill himself." her voice tuning down when she said kill. Olivia hugs Pat closer and sobs on his chest. Pat doesn't know what to reply. He recalls just this morning there school announced Alex is dead. Rumors of him killing himself flooded the school and was the talk of everybody. His heart sink when he had heard about it. Alex who he had helped yesterday. Alex who he had just be came friends with yesterday. Alex who's laughing and smiling when they were hanging out yesterday, killed himself.


They arrive at Alex's funeral. The cold and raining weather matches their mood. Pat holds Olivia's hand knowing she's about to cry and they're not even inside yet. "We're together alright. Alex's waiting for us." Pat comforts her and proceeds to walk inside. A few relatives of Alex is here at the funeral. Olivia notice that there aren't many visitors. Alex mom notice them coming and approaches them. "Goodevening, you are?" the mom asks. Her voice still dry from mourning and crying. "Hi I'm Olivia and this is my boyfriend Pat. We're friends with Alex." she introduced. Abby looked at them and starts weeping. "He never introduce his friends to me." Olivia holds Abby trying to comfort her. She's breaking and starts tearing up with Abby too. "I'm very sorry." she said to her.

Pat gave them a moment together. He walks up to Alex. He had only a glimpse and turned around quickly. He can't bring himself to look at Alex. His heart sinks when he looked at him. He miss Alex. Pat wishes that he could have done more. A tall broad man approach him, Pat quickly wipes the tears in his eyes. "You friends with Alex?" the man asked. "Yeah. Are you his..." Pat didn't know who he was. "I'm Paul his mom's boyfriend." "Oh." "He's a great kid. I hardly know him he's always quiet and stays inside his room." "What happened?" Pat asked. "Abby found him. She went inside Alex's room and saw him in the bathroom. A tub full of blood and large multiple wound on his wrist." Pat tried not to imagine about it. It breaks him even more knowing how it happened.

Olivia and Abby sat outside, they both had calmed down from crying. "I blame myself for this." Abby started. "I knew that he's struggling with something. I don't know if it's about his school or something else. I tried many approach to help him. But he didn't want to talk about it. So I just decides that he'll figure it out on his own. I thought it's best to give him time and respect his privacy." Abby voice got weak and starts crying again. "I should've made a better decision. Now I hardly have any memories with him. While he spends his time alone, I thought that I should do the same. But now I regret it alot I just miss him so much." Olivia hugs her. She tries her not to cry again. It hurts Olivia more knowing what's Alex situation in his home. "I didn't knew that the first time we hangout with Alex was also the last. We helped him and I ask him to hangout with us." Olivia chuckled slightly. "I knew he was about to say no and declined my invitation. But I grab his hand and force him to come. I'm glad that I did that. I just wish we hangout a bit longer. He was so happy I could tell. We talk about alot of things and I tried my best to make him comfortable with us. I didn't knew he was thinking about that while hanging out with us. I would have tried harder that day if I only knew." tears starts to roll down on Olivia's cheeks. "Thank you helping him." She returned Olivia's hug. They both stay that close to each other while listening to the sound of the pouring rain.

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