My crush's crush

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A/N-This is just a short story which I got the inspiration to write from the above song.I'm sure you all know it.I recommend listening to it while reading this story.Thank you😇💚

He looks at me and I fake a smile so he won't see what I want and I need and everything that we should be....

I bet she's beautiful that girl he talks about she's got everything that I have to live without...

Can's POV

My name is Can and yes..I have a big big crush on my friend as well as a neighbour,Tin who also has a crush on another girl.We are at first year of our college.I still remember the day when I first met him and I fell in love with him at first sight.I was wondering around the campus on the first day of my college and I accidentally ran into him and spilled onto his white shirt with my juice.Then,I brought him to toilet and cleaned his shirt bcs it was my fault.

Then,we introduced each other.We found out that we are in different majors.Tin was studying in business major and me in music major.We became friends afterwards.Then,about a week later,we found out we were neighbours.But we were not that close at all bcs we have a separate gang of friends we hang out with at school.Although we were in different majors and not that close,we still said hi each other whenever we met accidentally.We said good morning and good night to each other cause our rooms are opposite to each other and we can see each other through the window.We would sometimes eat lunch together at the school's canteen when Tin invited me.I had realized my feelings for him since I fell in love with him.I tried to avoid him at first but after so many failed attempts,I told myself to face directly and move on from him bcs I know he would never like me back.In spite of being neighbours,you could definitely tell that his family was richer than ours from the first look at our houses.Moreover,Tin was a popular guy at school and he won the whole moon in this school year.Plus,he has a huge crush on the girl who won star title in our school year along with him.Cindy  was tall,beautiful,gentle,kind,rich,intelligent  and the perfect girlfriend material.It's a sure thing that she matches perfectly with Tin who was also a boyfriend material.Since they won moon and star,people shipped them as a couple.I didn't want to believe what people said at first.But all my hopes and dreams about me with Tin have collasped after Tin told me he has a big crush on someone.I can recall that time when he first mentioned his crush.We were talking while having lunch at the school canteen.He was telling me a joke and I was laughing over that bcs he was so damn funny.I can't even see anyone when he's with me.But suddenly he said he's in love with the person who had no clue of his love.He said that he would always risk everything to be with that person.Tin also said that he though he was good at hinting things.But seeing how the other person had no clue,Tin just wanted to run to the said person and confess straight away.Little did he know it made things to my heart.The next time he mentioned was when we were walking side by side to our class.I was stealing glances at him the whole walk.He was tall,flawless skin,small smiling eyes,chestnut-brown hair, fact perfect in every aspect.I almost lost my breath at his handsomeness.But what made me almost stop my heartbeating is the mention of his crush.He was saying how cute ,how innocent,how clueless that person was and how that person is perfect in his eyes.I could clearly tell that it was Cindy.I asked him why he didn't confess his love and he answered that he would do it soon which caused my heart shatter into pieces.I agree that I have nothing while she has everything and that she would make such a perfect couple with Tin.So,I encouraged Tin that that person would certainly accept his feelings and he should do it soon.After that,I distanced myself from him.Cause that's the only way I can hide my feelings and move on from him.We sometimes said hi and catched up with how we were doing only when Tin asked first across our room's window.The third time and the final time he mentioned about his crush was when we were washing our cars together in our backyards.At first,I was really having fun bcs we were messing up around with each other and playing with water.Then,out of nowhere,Tin said how his crush drenched look would make his heart skip and it might even make him have wet dreams.How the wet hairs would fall on that person and that cherry red plump lips would appear juicy that might make Tin want to kiss that person immediately.But while he was saying all of that,I imagined Tin with Cindy that made me abruptly ran up to my room.I cried til my tears couldn't come out anymore that night.I kept telling myself to forget Tin but my stupid little heart won't follow my brain.Though I was fed up with all of that,when Tin asked me something,I stupidly immediately agreed it.Tin asked me to come to the party the next night at Cindy's home.He told me that he was finally going to confess to his crush and asked me to come and cheer up for him.Tin was being so cruel to me til the end.However,since I really love him,his happiness means my happiness.As I made him a promise,I showed up at that party that day.He told me that he was going early and I should just come later.But when I turned up at the party,the image I saw made me come back home immediately and cry in my bed.Tin and Cindy were hugging and cheek-kissing each other.That's it.My first love just ended like that I thought.I wanted to vent out my feelings that I sang a song while playing my guitar.Just in time,I heard Tin's car sound and him going up to his room.I was so drunk in my own feelings that I didn't think why he came back so early.

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