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"Don't talk to strangers"

I'll tell you a story that happened to me when I was little. We lived in a neighborhood that had a playground and enough space for cycling.

It was summer and my mother let me ride a bike while she was sitting on our balcony to look at me.

Almost every afternoon a granny would come and sit on a bench. One day that granny came up to me and asked me for a favor.
Because her legs hurt, she wanted me to deliver a package two blocks down the corner.

As a 6-year-old child, I went to the intercom to tell my mom and because she didn't understand what Ι was saying she called me from the balcony to go upstairs.

As soon as I went upstairs and explained to her what I wanted to do, I took her out on the balcony to show her the granny but the granny was nowhereto be seen.

Then my mother took the box and opened it and inside there was a piece of paper that said:


We called the police and I took them to the house where I was supposed to hand over the box but they found nothing, it was empty and abandoned.

Till today, they have found nothing about this case.

Story by our friend : Dwra Filianou

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