6. Ignihyde As Boyfriend す営ゲ

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- gaming and anime aaaaaall day
- of you cosplay one of his favorite characters, he ded lol
- he'd get a nosebleed and will be a stuttering mess
- but it's gonna be different when you two cosplay together
- it needed a bit of time but now he's very open with you
- feels understood when he's with you
- isnt used to touches or even kisses, so go slow with him first, there's no need to rush things
- just having you close or near him makes him flustered and blushy blushy XD
- you're an SSR character in his eyes and he's happy you've chosen him
- always has snack ready for you and when you need some just ask him and he gives you tons of them
- helps you when you have problems with your phone, laptop, tablet or something else. He repairs it in a few minutes and even makes it better!
- when you aren't around he tells Ortho everything, and Ortho is just happy for Idia
- can get very talkative with you, especially when you ask him about his favorite games

- he already plans the wedding of you and Idia-
- no matter what, when you're sad he's gonna be there for you and cheer you up
- and lbh, it only needs a smile for this cutie and all the problems are gone
- like Idia he always has snack ready and knows you very well. So when you're hungry he's sees it faster then you do it yourself
- very cuddly with you and always hugs you first!
- btw, he can hug as tight as Floyd-
- helps you where he can, carrying your books, helping you with homework, any work at all, cleaning, EVERYTHING! Just ask and he's there to help you, he doesn't wants you to be to exhausted in the end, I mean, you still have to give him cuddles and attention after it!
- whenever he has a new feature or new skill, he will show it off to you first. He's so proud and enjoys the compliments you shower him in XD

𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱 | boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now