9. Favorite Activities With Youッア若ツ

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Requested by the lovely dreamdai!✨♥️

Thanks a lot for your request!✨💕

If you wanna request too feel free to do it!💞

- eating tarts with you duh!
- yk having a nice and warm tea with you and talking to you is his favorite
time with you!
- he can find out more about you and your likings and spends a lot of time with you
- and when you two are doing this, he forgets about all the stress he has
with the dorm
- and don't worry, no one will disturb you two. Trey makes sure no one will
burst in

- baking of course
- he loves baking and he loves you, so it's perfect!
- he'll show you every little trick he has and wants to make new creations
with you
- he's in his element
- hopefully you don't mind him sometimes taking the lead with baking
and showing you
everything ^^

- he looooves taking photos of you
- he has so many of you and when you're not there he stares at them to feel like your close
- and he makes a lot of photos for memories
- but he mostly wants to capture your beauty, so making a small little photo shooting with you is just great!
- don't worry about him, he loves it more making pictures of you than with him alone
- but making a picture with you two kissing is something else~

- of course he's good with card tricks
- but teaching you some basketball and seeing you kiiiinda fail is fun for him
- if you're bad at this sport, don't worry! Ace will teach you the best he can and it makes him happy when you get the ball into the basket
- and if you're good at it then let's have a small 1vs1
- he won't hold back
- and the winner gets as many kisses as they want!

- cuddling
- it's like the only time Ace isn't with you and would disturb
- you two have time alone and you are close and it's pretty chill
- he will talk to you a lot couse he likes it!
- he's always kinda nervous talking to females but to you it's something different
- there's no need to feel so nervous with you couse he knows you won't judge him and you understand him

- sleeping with you of course
- and don't think you can escape
his death grip
- you're his now and as his partner its kinda your job to be there for him the
whole time, right?
- so stay there, cuddle him, maybe play with his hair he doesn't mind, and sleep
- he loves this time with you and he grew the habit only to sleep when you're with him

- fishing
- and then eating the fish he got with you!
- he likes the look on your face when you hit the fish, and it makes him feel
proud that you got it couse he taught you how to do it
- and if he was the one who got it?
- better give him a kiss for his good work couse it's a big fish he got!
- and if you don't like fish it's still fine, you can just be with him and talk to him
- but quite or the fish will go away🤫

- taking care of his cacti
- he loves them so dearly and his tail is wagging the whole time when you take care of them with him
- he will tell you everything he knows about them and he's just rambling around
- he never really talk THIS much but now he does and he's glad you listen to him trough the whole time
- he loves you so much

- yk his hobby is collecting coins
- and if you aren't so bored if it he gladly show you his whole collection!
- he's so proud of them and will tell where he got them and how
- it's kinda interesting couse some of them are from ships deep down in the ocean
- maybe you start a collection with him too? Then you two would have a
hobby together and spend even more time with him!
- he'd be so happy about it~

𝗧𝘄𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱 | boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now