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[ H A R R Y ]
I don't even know where Mason lives

I decide to message the person that definitely will


He has done multiple YouTube videos with him and shit so surely he knows?

It takes a lot of persuading before he gives in, finally giving me Mason's address

I speed off to where he lives and as I approach the street his house is on... it's unreal

The houses are huge

Much bigger than the old sidemen houses

God ballers are so rich

I slow my car down as I near his house, seeing his multiple cars placed up his driveway

It's not long before I hear yelling and his front door opens with Nylah stepping out

"Mason I don't care" she says as she storms down the driveway with him following behind

I get out of my car and start to approach her

"Oh of course Harry is here, to follow you like a lap dog" Mason scoffs as he notices me

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She snaps as she turns around to face me


"I needed to talk to you" I say awkwardly as I scratch the back of my neck

She just nods at me before she turns back around to face Mason

"I'm sorry Mason but we're over" she says as her voice slightly breaks

"Nylah" he says softly as he tries to hold her hands but she snatches them away

I kind of feel bad that I just turned up and now I'm witnessing this ??

Oh well

"No Mason. Seriously. If you can call me all those shitty names you have tonight before you even hear me out and just assume the worst of me, then I don't want to be with you. I really thought you'd matured from when we were younger but you haven't. You need to learn trust Mason and I completely understand how my actions looked to you for the most part but you never even let me explain" she says as I can tell she is trying not to tear up, I can hear it in her voice

Mason just goes completely still

Not doing or saying anything

"I wish you the best and I will always remain proud of you" she says softly as she places her hand on his cheek before removing it

She takes a small step back from him before she turns to give me a weak smile

I feel incredibly awkward that I've just been in the background witnessing their breakup

"Congrats mate. You win. Go and fuck her now" Mason spits at me

"Excuse me? I tried to be fucking nice but if you want to be bitter. Fine then, two can play that game" Nylah snaps in reply before I can even respond myself

"Leave him out of this alright?" She says pointing to me

"This is between you and me Mason. I was by your side for like a solid year and a half and I haven't spoken to Harry in two years. It's you that's brought him into this situation and the poor man hasn't fucking done anything" she rages

I smirk when she mentions me


Eat that Mason

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