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"Go you will get your answers soon", replied Om and pushed Shivaay out of the room as Mahi was waiting for Shivaay to go but here he was not going

As Om pushed Shivaay out of room he called Rudra to send Mahi. Khanna who was waiting for Shivaay asked him to sit in car and helped Mahi to enter Mansion as Shivaay.. Rudra took Mahi in shivika's room

In shivika room

Anika came out after changing in white saree and looked towards Shivaay who was playing with his watch. Anika was looking pale as she was sad from the fact that they will not be together after today.

"I am sorry for whatever I am going to do today. I love you", whispered Anika in low voice . Mahi who was seeing her through corner of his eyes heard it but showed that he didn't because these words were for Shivaay. Anika went towards cupboard and picked vermillion and nuptial chain. She knew that she will loose this right but right now she can't miss any moment with him

"Shivaay can you fill my hairline and make me wear this?", Asked Anika in low voice. She knew Shivaay will never deny but for formality she asked

"No Anika I'm sorry actually I was waiting for you but I have work . Come with Om after he blindfold you", said Mahi and went from there. Even if he is acting as Shivaay he don't want to take his right. He was just saving their relation

(Ps. I added Mahi rather than Shivaay because his name can confuse you. But for Anika he is Shivaay)

He winked towards Om and Om entered inside shivika's room

Shivaay went towards his car and waitied for khaana who came after one minute

"Khaana why are you late? Don't you know I am going to marry Anika? Now just say everything fast ", ordered Shivaay angrily because he was eagerly waiting for him that's why one minute looked like one hour for him

"Sir I am going to show you CCTV footage and sir please you have to control yourself for Anika mam", said Khanna and looked down . He picked tab which was inside car and looked towards Shivaay

Shivaay was scared hearing his serious voice. He sensed that it is a big matter otherwise they will never stop him

"Is Anika fine? Let me check her first", he said being worried . He thought that maybe something big happened with Anika that's why is asking him that but Khanna's reply relaxed him a bit

"Sir mam is totally fine. See this you will understand everything yourself", he said and gave him tab and started video. Shivaay nodded because he was getting late for marriage so he thought to end talk as soon as possible but what shocked him was his mother blackmailing her

"",he stammered when he noticed Anika pleading him but Pinky ignored Anika

" is real? W...why mom is blackmailing her ? it truth?", He asked with tears. He was shocked . It was unbelievable for him that his mother can stoop this much low to ruin his married life. He himself told his mother that he love Anika but still she blackmailed her.

Tears started flowing from his eyes seeing Anika's devasted side . He is illegitimate and to hide this truth from him Anika was going to leave him.. 

Khanna nodded and holded Shivaay's shoulder

"Sir don't worry she will not be able to leave you. Mahi sir is inside and he will handle everything", told khanna which boiled Shivaay's heart that why that duplicate is inside house that too with Anika

"What are you saying Khanna? I will not leave him today?", Shouted Shivaay angrily. He don't want anyone near Anika especially a person like Mahi who was taking his side in this house. He is exactly like Shivaay. He don't want Anika to like him

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