Chapter 4

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(Dipper pov)

I run down his fucking long driveway seeing a locked and closed gate. I shake the gate trying to open it but it's no use. I go over to the wall next to the gate, seeing some spots are missing bricks. Using those as handholds and footholds I climb up the wall and hop onto the ground on the other side. I look at my ankle it being sore a bit, slightly bruised but it's nothing too bad. I take off running down the only road I can see, hoping it's taking me in the right direction to a town or something. When he wrapped the bandage around my arm he said at the time that we were near a town called Gravity Falls. If I can just get to town and call the police, they can do something and I will be able to get myself home.

After walking for what I think is several hours I still haven't seen a single car on this road. My feet are so fucking sore, I'm hungry and thirsty, and the sunlight blinding me isn't helping anything as I feel sweat soak the back of my shirt. I look at the road again and see a car coming in my direction. I rub my eyes to make sure that I'm not hallucinating and sure enough it's still there. Even better, it's a police car. Laughing a bit in disbelief I frantcially wave my arms as the car approaches me. It slows to a stop right next to me and and a police officer exits the car walking up to me. "Are you lost, kid?"

"N-no w-wait I mean yes I....I just want to go home....please help me....."

"Okay, come in the car and I'll get you home." I just felt so relieved that someone was going to help me that I nearly broke down in tears right there and then. He puts an arm around my shoulders leading me to his car and helps me into the backseat. He gets back in the driver's seat and begins driving. I rest my head on the car window and just feel myself drift off to sleep.

I don't know how long I slept but when I wake up the sky is far darker, the sun having set and the sky filled with stars. "Where are we?"

"We're almost there."

Looking out the window I still see pinetrees that seem to stretch on for miles. Something about this doesn't feel right. "Are we near town?" He doesn't answer me this time. Gulping nervously I try to open the door but can't. "S-Stop the car, I want out."

"Just calm down kid, you asked me to take you home and that's exactly what I'm doing."

"No no just please stop the car! Let me out!" I bang on the car window and frantically try to get the door to open.

"Calm the fuck down or I'll come back there and knock your lights out myself." I see him glare at me through the review mirror. Gulping nervously I stop trying to get out, just looking down at my trembling hands in my lap. When the car stops I look up and it feels like my blood just runs cold. I see Bill leaning on the hood of his car calmly looking at me as he smokes a cigarette. The police officer gets out of the car and I see him exchange a few words with Bill. Despite Bill's calm posture, I can see the anger burning in his eyes. The police officer comes over opening the back door but I scoot back till my back is pressed up against the other door. "Kid get the fuck over here. Don't make me go in after you."

"No just leave me alone! I just want to go home!" I feel the car door behind me open and arms wrap tightly around me dragging me out of the car as I kick and scream. "Let me go let me go!"

A hand clamps over my mouth tightly and I hear Bill's angry voice hiss in my ear. "Shut the fuck up unless you want your punishment to be much worse." I stop struggling, feeling tears from fear slowly trailing down my cheeks as Bill keeps an arm tightly wrapped around my waist and his hand tightly clamped over my mouth as he speaks to the police officer. "Thanks, Sam. You best get home or else Millie will worry about you." The officer simply waves bye as he gets in his car and drives off leaving me alone stuck with Bill again.

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