Chapter 10

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(Dipper pov)

1 year later

I wake with a start, gasping slightly the blanket falling down so it's covering my lap, sweat slowly sliding down my bare back. I hear a slight groan and see Bill's eye slowly peeling open to look up at me. "Everything okay, Dipper?"

"Yeah....yeah just a bad dream...." He slowly pulls me back down so I am laying down in his arms again, his chest rising and falling with each of his steady breathes.

"You still having those dreams about me? I know I did a lot of shit but it's been a year......"

"I know I know. They aren't as often anymore since I forgave you already, they just happen on occassion now."

"I thought the dreams would have stopped by now."

"They're getting better so that's a good sign at least, I think."

He says nothing as he gently runs his hand through my hair. I relax to his touch as I feel sleep overtake me once again.


I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I open my eyes seeing that Bill is gone. I get up pulling on a blue hoodie as I make my way downstairs to the kitchen where I see him cooking. I hug him from behind and feel him put a hand over mine. "Good morning to you as well. Have a seat at the table, breakfast is almost ready."

I sit at the table as he sets plates of breakfast down and cups of coffee. I feel him watching me eat as he drinks his coffee. "It's rude to stare you know."

"I know. But with you I can't help it."

"You could if you really tried."

"Maybe. But it's more fun for me if I don't try. Plus it takes more work to try not to stare at you than it takes to actually stare at you." He kisses my cheek as he takes out plates and puts them in the sink. "I have some work to do in my office. Feel free to spend your time in the library until I'm done with work." He kisses my cheek as he leaves the room and I hear his footsteps go up to his office.

I make my way to the library picking up a book and laying on the cough as a sigh escapes my lips. I will admit that being here with Bill for the past year has been far from ideal or perfect.

It took months for him to let me be alone in this mansion because he was constantly scared and paranoid that I would keep trying to escape even though I agreed to willingly stay here with him.

I do sometimes miss my life from before he bought me, but I know I can't go back. If I do my mom would just sell me again like he said and if that happened than I could end up being bought by someone far worse than Bill. While this life with him isn't perfect, I think it's enough for me. I would be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for Bill. Even after everything he did to me I have these feelings for him that I just can't turn off no matter how hard I try.

"Dipper, can you come up here for a sec?" I hear him call for me.

"Coming." I call back as I set down the book and head up the stairs to his office, opening the door and see him at his desk writing on some papers. "Do you need something, Bill?"

"Come over here please." I walk over to him and he pulls me on his lap, one arm wrapped around my waist while he brushes my hair behind my ear gently. "I just wanted to see your beautiful face again, I just can't get enough of it. You know I love you."

"I know, you tell me every day."

"And I will keep telling you that until the day I die." He says as he softly kisses my cheek again before moving the kiss to my lips.

The End

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