1.10: Cannon Fodder Older Sister Counterattacking On The Reborn Younger Sister

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"Host, they are making you and your deskmates Qing Yuan, a match made in heaven," Xue Yun somewhat reluctantly replied, ah, this was the host she saw grow up, an existence superior above a 10,000 people, how can she just be wiling to match with someone like this? How can someone understand this old mother's feelings.

Hearing the news, Yu Meng slightly froze and didn't say anything but her head was in a turmoil, 'A match made in heaven, do we really look like that?

Xue Yun face-palmed herself when she saw her host's love-struck thoughts. "Host, focus on what are you doing! We need to finish our mission first, then you can have time to think about him." Xue Yun carefully said, not willing to provoke her host into scolding her.

Yu Meng deeply sighed and got into working out some sine, cos tan questions, but it was quite easy, so she just solved them within 5 minutes and handed Mr. Chang the maths papers.

"You have already finished, it seems that you are a sensible kid, Fang Ying..." Mr. Chang raised his right brow and lightly smiled, looking completely carefree. But Yu Meng got chills on her spine instead of feeling good.

"Xue Yun, what the hell is going on? Why does he have such a terrifying aura around him. Others might not be able to feel it but I can definitely feel a sense of craftiness from his smile. Xue Yun, is he a hidden character or something? And why is he acting like a lil creep?" Yu Meng could feel her legs soften, even though there were many students in the classroom and he couldn't possibly do anything illegal or bad in board daylight, but she couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't 'dare' to do anything though.

Xue Yun also felt a bit pressured, so it quickly searched for any information on this so-called Mr. Chang, "Uh, he is sort-of a hidden character, but not really. His full name is Chang Sinan, a typical yandere second male lead. He is the eldest young master of the Chang family, monopolizing the whole food and fashion industries in their hands.

Chang Sinan's was father murdered when he was aboard during a business trip and his mother also passed away during child-birth. Although, Chang Sinan is the eldest young master, inside the Chang family he basically doesn't have any power or value, so he grew up in a very harsh environment, where he was always scorned and bullied by others.

As time passed by, his mentality was getting more and more twisted each day. He liked to torture people in different ways, such as digging people eyes out, electrocuting people with voltage of more than 450 volts, dehydrating them to death, strangling, disfiguring peoples' faces, drowning and so on.

Some even died because of oxygen deprivation. But he soon meet his warm ball of  sunlight, our favourite female lead, Fang Qingfei, who didn't disdain him or hurt him like everyone else on the universe. And Fang Qingfei also has an 'interesting' personality because of her rebirth, she also gave Chang Sinan a sense of security. From then on, Chang Sinan really loved Fang Qingfei but Fang Qingfei only gave him mixed signals. Chang Sinan thought Fang Qingfei was only a bit shy and continued to be delusional, so he didn't give it a further thought.

But little did he know that Fang Qingfei was calculating him. She was actually using his power to promote her company and make social connections.

Fang Qingfei purposely mentioned you to him and how evil you are to her in private and blah...blah...blah. Chang Sinan was extremely furious and came here personally to teach you a good 'lesson'."

"He is not that scary, then why is his aura this frightening? Could it be that-no, not good, Xue Yun check the evil value of Chang Sinan!" Yu Meng face immediately changed.

"His evil value is in fact...100! THE HIGHEST LEVEL BOSS!" Xue Yun widened her eyes as she was left thunder-struck.

Yu Meng already expected it, then said: "There are too many peach blossoms around the female lead. And all of them are dragon among the men. Xue Yun, there was only Jiang Baixuan in the main storyline, but there wasn't all these hidden characters. What do you think is happening?"

"Uhm...the storyline is mainly about the female lead and male lead, who are the heaven's favourite, and all the other characters are side characters, who are here just to keep the background of the world in balance. But you are here to change the cannon fodder's fate though, it basically means you need to break their protagonist halos, and make your cannon fodder fate to a protagonist fate. So the side characters and other cannon fodders will also be included in your life because of your protagonist halo."

"Does this means that all the men around Fang Qingfei will be interested in me? This didn't happen before, why is it happening in this world?" Yu Meng had very bad premonition.

"There are new rules being introduced in the void and according to my conclusion of everything you said....yeah....." Xue Yun felt bad for her host.

"Does that mean this creep will also like me?" Yu Meng cringed even at the thought of it.

"Possibly, but host it is beneficial to the mission and you have experience many worlds, so don't worry," Xue Yun comforted.

Yu Meng calmed down her feeling and got into her role as a professional host.

She looked at Chang Sinan in front of her and then faintly smiled, not being afraid after facing his twisted smile, "Mr. Chang, the question are not that easy but I have already done it once somewhere, so it is lot easier than last time."

Then she calmly returned to her sit and started to do other algebraic expressions that was only for extensions.

Chang Sinan was slightly surprised at how the girl seemed not to fear him, well after all this was the first time someone wasn't afraid of him. 'Interesting...how interesting,' Subconsciously, the corner of Chang Sinan's lips curled into a gentle smile. Yu Meng took one look at his face and already could tell he was repeating the word, 'Interesting' in his head. 


At the same time, Yu Meng was discussing the additional task that was rudely smacked on her face during her conversation with Chang Sinan.

And what is the additional task about?

It is of course to help eliminate the evil value of Chang Sinan!

What a joke!

Damn the additional task and it's whole family! The madam is not gonna do it, then let's see what are you going to do to me!

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