TTCTFZ | t h r e e

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Sunday afternoon.

My mom asked me to deliver a package to my Uncle Finn who works at the local radio station. It was a 15 minute drive from where I live. I didn't mind though since I like driving and I know driving is just what I need to get my head straight for this 'reuniting' thing I was planning. As I drive through the neighborhood, I was suddenly bombarded with bits of flashbacks everywhere I look. I've been with Mandy since childhood and we just stuck like bubblegum on hair since, so obviously all the good memories I had in this town, included her. I had to stop being sappy about it though, it doesn't make me feel any better besides it just seems to gay.

With 'Pompeii' blasting from my stereo, My mind drifts off to how I would actually get her to talk to me. Yes, I may seem like a coward or whatever. That it should be easy for us to talk things through since we've been very close but let me tell you something I learned from all this, sometimes, the fact that we've been best friends, just makes it 10x harder.

Turning left just outside Merry lane, I could already get a glimpse of the store Mom asked me to stopped by before heading off to the station. With the store being small and taking up only a small area, the parking lot was pretty packed. Thankfully there was one last space just enough to squeeze my car in.


 I thought I heard something break but decided against it not so long after thinking it was just hunger messing up my head. So I put the engine to a stop and walked towards the store's entrance. Although, I didn't get that far from my car when -

"WHAT THE HELL?!!" I snapped at the same time turning around to see who it was only to find out a fuming woman - or should I say girl considering how short she was - her tight knuckles on her hips.

With the same tone I did, she said "What the hell? Well I'll tell you what the hell, YOU JUST RAN OVER MY BIKE! that's what"

I was rubbing the part where the bottle of Gatorade - I just found out, seeing a bottle on the ground -  hit me while she was telling me this.

"I - what?" and she drew out her bike and sure enough, the back was dented. So Bad. I was only about to take out my wallet and saying sorry at the same time when she said.

"Fix it!" her tone firm.

"Uhh- couldn't I just pay for it?" I began to reason. "I might not have enough with me right now though, so maybe if you could just leave me your phone number, I'll send you the rest."

"No. Fix it!" 

"What?" This woman was mental! "Don't you prefer a new bike? or uhmm, can't you just send it to a repair shop or something?"

"No, I want you to fix it!"

I was beginning to loose my temper. What the fvck is wrong with this woman? Here I was willing to pay for the damage and she starts acting like the president's daughter or something and demands me to fix her bike. Didn't she see the condition her bike was in? It was old, rusty and now broken. I'm acually doing her a favor if you ask me.

I didn't realize I said the last part out loud enough for her to hear.

"Hey!" I said in protest as her shoe me in the head one more time. Damn, this woman would give me a brain injury "That's the second"

"What do you mean, you're doing me a favor?! I asked you to fix my bike, so fix it!"

"You're impossible!" I retorted, my irritation was really obvious this time "Know what? If you don't want me to pay then I  don't care about your stupid bicycle. If I didn't know any better, you're only asking me to fix it so you could spend time with me and get to know me." i know, i know. The last part was a jerk thing to say but the woman annoyed me.

With that I stormed through the store, leaving her alone with her face purple in anger.


That woman was definitely mental. When I went back to my car after grabbing the what my Mom asked me to, I found her not in sight but my side mirrors broken. The hell!

After stashing the items angrily in the back seat which caused some of the items to fall off, I began stepping on the pedal harder than I was suppose to. I just hope I never have to meet that woman again.

With my mind still fuming about my broken side mirrors and how I had the unfortunate fate of crossing paths with her, I didn't realize I already reached the station. It was only when I stopped the engine did I realize also that it was now raining outside. Cursing under my breath for having such an unfortunate day, I grabbed the package and went inside the station where I was warmly greeted by Rose - one of the DJ's. She gave me a hug and told me where to find Uncle Finn.

"Chase!" he beamed. "What brought you here?"

"Mom asked me to give you this." 

"Ah!, I've been waitig for this package for a week now. Tell her thanks for me." He said as he received the package, ripping the wrapper thhe next second. And I watch him as he gleefully took out what was inside the box.

It was on times like these that I feel like choosing somebody else's life than what I have now. Which was everything but ponies and rainbows.  I decided to turn my attention to different things in the office until I caught sight of the booth. And it was then an amazing idea struck me.

"Uncle Finn, you know who the famous 'Miss T' right? I mean, you work at the same station."

"Why yes of course, In fact here she comes now." He replied turning his attention to the door.

I whipped my head to the direction of the door just in time to see a short, pink haired woman dripping wet from the rain and mumbling words too fast for me to register. When she turned to face me however, she suddenly stopped. Her eyes turning to slits as she glared at me. And then I recognized her, the mad girl from the store.

"YOU!?" we both said at the same time.


[a/n]: Alright folks, that's all for Chapter 3. What do you think about their first meeting eh? Leave a comment below and tell me what you think. :)

~ c a r a

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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