Chapter 2

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The Job
"Heyaaaaa!Kai-chan!Let's go to the cafeteria together!"Sumiko shouted."Sumiko!Stop being loud!"Shimizu screamed."Tsk,Stupid."Tsuji said and rolled her eyes."Tsuji-kun!That's not nice!"Izumi scolded her."You're not my mom.."Tsuji said angry.
"Yo, 'zumi you broke?"Tsuji asked and startled Izumi."DID YOU NEED TO SCARE ME LIKE THAT?!"Izumi shouted at her.A small grin was on Tsuji's face."So,you're broke?" "How do you know?"
"I just know it."Izumi eyed Tsuji scared."U-um,then what do I d-"Before Izumi could finish her sentence
someone bumped into her and spilled milk all over her."Tsk,don't you have a job,idiot?"A male voice asked sarcastically."ITŌ AKIRA!HOW DARE YOU BASTARD SPILL MILK ON MY DEAR FRIEND?!GO MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!"Tsuji shouted at him.There was still this bored look in his eyes."H-How dare you..."Izumi was embarrassed and angry.She wanted to do something,but what should she do?"You better clean yourself up,Kai."he said and smirked as he walked away."What the hell is wrong with that guy?!"Tsuji said angry
After they got Izumi all cleaned up they went back to class."What did I do to him?Why does he hate me that much?"Izumi asked Tsuji."Calm down 'zumi,that jerk is like that with everyone."
"But he's right with the job.You should find one."
"How do you find a job?"
That was the first question that popped up in Izumi's head as she went home from school.She went a different route this time so that she doesn't crushes into Itō again.Near her apartment there was a small convenience store.Maybe she could find a job there.
"I would like to apply for a job here!"Izumi said as she went to bow down 90 °.The Boss was a young man,maybe in his 20's.He looked down at her surprised."U-um...Let me think."
It's hard to manage the job alone...She seems good for the job.
"I'll let you work here.But what's your name?"
"I'm Kai Izumi!
"Well,then nice to meet you,I'm Mita Toru."
When Izumi was in the store she didn't noticed to light green eyes watching as she was talking to the Mita.
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Thank you for reading this chapter!

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