SebastianStan|Rainy Day

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I woke up early morning, a cloudy Sunday morning. I walked to the bathroom and took a warm, long shower. I didn't have any plans for the day, I changed into sweats and picked up my boyfriend's sweater and slipped into it. I picked up my phone off the night stand and I shuffled down stairs of my quiet house; I could hear the heavy rain and rumbling of the storm clouds outside.
Stan was away filming, he'd be away for days, months at a time.
It's been four months now. He texts and calls me all the time, telling me he loves me and misses me. It just wasn't the same as having him here with me. He is supposed to be filming for the next two months.
I shuffle to the kitchen and start brewing coffee. I take my favorite mug out of the cabinet. I look in the fridge, not really looking for anything in particular. I close it as I realize I haven't been hungry lately.
I pour myself coffee, preparing it as I usually do and walk to the living room.

My phone started vibrating in my hand, I smiled softly as I saw his picture.
I slid my thumb across the screen and answered.
"Hello?" I heard him say over the phone.

"Hey, you" I said smiling at the sound of his voice.

"Hey babe," he says over the phone, I can hear his smile.

"Sooo I had a surprise for you..." He said.

"Had?" I asked.

"Uhhhh yeah... Had.." He said over the phone as if unsure of what to say.

"I miss you, and I really want to see you" he said after a pause.

"I really want to see you too" I said starting to feel sad again.

"Sooo... why don't you open the door and let me in, babe?" Stan said.
I put my mug on the coffee table, "Stan, don't play with me like that" I told him.

"I'm not playing" he chuckled, "It's really cold outside" he said.
I glanced out the window, it was still raining hard.
I walked to the door and unlocked it.
"Stan, I swear if this is a joke..." I said as I pulled the door open.
He stood there, his clothes drenched and his hair dripping wet. He lowered his phone as he saw me and smiled widely, in his left hand, a bouquet of drenched, colorful flowers.

"I told you I wasn't playing" he said with a chuckle. I smiled and threw my arms around him he stumbled over his bag at his feet. We shuffled into the house closing the door behind him without breaking our hug.

"I thought you were still filming" I said looking into his eyes.

"We finished early, I actually wanted to surprise you, but I lost my keys -and then the storm..." he trailed off "Uhh these are for you" he said handing me the flowers, water spilled from them as I took them.
He put his hand on his face as he saw the large amount of water that spilled on me.

"Why thank you, they're beautiful" I said laughing, "Come on, let's get you warmed up" I said taking his hand and leading him upstairs.

One Shots|Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now