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I need music reccs

Any? Please send them my wayyyy preferably songs that not many ppl have heard of bc I can assure you that I most likely have heard abt it already. But yes pls new songs > > >

Since no 1 is going to really pay attention I might As well vent a bit

I'm so tired of making those I love dissapoinyes in me
Even in my relationship I'm making her disappointed
She doesn't state it but it's clear and she's losing patience in waiting for me . Idk what to do anymore Bc I'm so conflicted in my feelings. I'm so conflicted I wish I could shut my mind up for once. I'm so tired of hearing my mind talk and talk and talk. Especially when it goes all haywire when I'm thinking abt everything combined. I'm scared of ruining this relationship  and scared of the future. Maybe I was a shitty person all along. Who knows. Not to top it off w school but geez I have lost so much motivation the lazt two months of school

I absolutely despise myself

[[if I you see this please ignore this, I don't want to see no type of comments here]]

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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