The Jail Cell Part 1

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"Wait. That's the artifact" Joey said
"Yeah" Manny replied
"So that means we released the strongman..."

All a sudden, a tall, monster like guy pops in the tent. He was screaming that he is stronger than everyone. With him, there was a girl that seem to be his sidekick of some sort but kinda looks like a creepy demon lady.

They were both chasing around everyone to captured at least a few of them. Eventually, the strongman caught Safiya, the Investigator Reporter. The cop's demon lady sidekick got Rosanna, the Jetsetter.

Soon after, the cop and demon lady took Ro and Saf to a jail cell and got locked up together. All of sudden, the demon lady, who turned out to be the cop's girlfriend starts making out. Safiya covered Ro's eyes when that was happening.

Soon after, both of them left, hoping to catch more people and Saf and Rosanna were just standing there, with nothing to do.

"Ok we are stuck here with no way out." Ro said

"Now what?" Saf replied

"I don't know if this is a good time to tell you this but I'm gonna say that I sing when I'm nervous."

"Oh that's fine. I don't-"


After Rosanna sang that line, it went so silent in the Jail Cell.

"Oops!" Said Ro

"Well to be honest, we r already friends." Safiya said

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Again more silence happened

All of a sudden, both of them started to make out.

Later on, Manny and Joey found the police station, which Ro and Saf are in. The two guys looked around for both of them when Manny was looking thru the window and see both Safiya and Rosanna making out.

"Bitch! Joey come here!" Manny screamed

Joey walks to the window and to where Manny was standing to see what Manny was freaking out about and sees what Manny was talking about.

"Oh my god! They're are both so cute together!!!!" Joey said, while jumping for joy

"Don't they both have boyfriends that they are both dating?" Manny replied

"We are gonna die anyway so let them have their fun!" Joey said 

Both Saf and Ro couldn't hear what Joey and Manny were saying until Manny started to yell.

"Um guys?!?!? The cop's girlfriend can come back in any second right now. We need your help to find something to help us!!!" Manny yelled

That got Safiya and Rosanna's attention! They both look to the window to see the source of that noise is and saw both Manny and Joey outside. They realized they got caught.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh....hello?" Both Saf and Ro said

"It was just a kiss." Safiya mumbled

*breathes* "Just a kiss." said Rosanna, while a little sad

"We saw the whole thing. It was more than a kiss." Said Joey

"Anyways what did you asked again?" Said Safiya

"Forgot it! Stay in the fucking jail cell." Manny said

"Manny no!" Joey screamed

Manny dragged Joey to somewhere else.

Ro founds something in the corner of the jail cell, it was a clue.

"Safiya, looks like I have to dig here for something, hopefully it's something to help us get out of here." Rosanna said

"Well uh...." Safiya wondered
"I got a better idea for us to get out of here."

Safiya grabs a Bobby pin that she had in her her hair that she didn't know about until now and uses it to pick the lock of the jail cell

"You couldn't have done that earlier right?" Ro said

"I didn't know I had a Bobby pin on me. I just thought of it just now!" Safiya replied

"Well I can't leave what ever is back here"

Rosanna used her platform oxfords to crush the clay on the floor of the jail cell. Inside was a coin.

"RO! I think you found the Lazarus coin!" Saf shouted

"Shhhhhhh" Ro whispered
"We can't let the creepy lady come back."

Both Ro and Saf gave a high five and ran out of the jail cell.

Let's be Friends so we can Make out - Rofiya shipWhere stories live. Discover now