First Fight

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           "Chun Li versus Ryu! Round One, FIGHT!!!" Chun Li immediately bounced off the walls and started kicking faster than Ryu's mind could process. He was quick to realize what was happening though, and crouched down, blocking and hoping it would make her slow down. Eventually, it started to work. "When is this brat gonna attack back!" thought the so-called strongest woman in the world. Then she heard a "SHORYOUKEN!" and found herself crashing to the ground. She got up quickly, dusted herself off, and returned to the fight. "Hadouken!" "Kikoken!" Before the two of their amazed and annoyed glares, the flying balls of fire collided and caused no damage to the original targets. "Ugh!", they both thought. "Time to finish this!" "KIKOSHO!!" "SHINKU HADOKEN!!" Again, the furious fighters looked up to see that their attacks had no effect. "Wow." Ryu thought as he was again blocking Chun Li's rapid Kicks "I've never fought such an elegant and graceful, yet fast and powerful fighter like this before..." That was the last thought he had until he came crashing to the ground and heard a "Chun Li Is the New world champion!!" Chun Li had beaten him?! "No," he thought. "No! I've never been beat before!" Looking down at the scowling figure Whining like a 3-year-old who had to eat vegetables, Chun Li said, trying not to laugh, "Want me to help you up? That was a good fight." Ryu solemnly took her hand and, still looking like a whining child, got up. "You're... really strong.", he said, not able to look her in the eyes. She replied with a simple "I know. So are you." Ryu looked up at the new Champion and again thought, "Wow, she's such a beautiful and strong fighter." Chun Li, seeing the expression on his face, barked, " Um, What were you thinking about just now buddy?!" "Um, N-nothing," said the still amazed young fighter. "You Sure?" "uh yeah." "fine. Do you wanna meet me at McDonalds tonight to talk about the next tournament?" Ryu, stunned by the sudden question, replied with a soft "um, yeah. sure. see you there." Chun Li laughed and headed back home. "gotta change out of these stupid uncomfy fighting clothes..." she thought as she skipped off, happy that she had finally won. "Ryu should stop holding back. I wonder why he does it..." she muttered as she finally changed out of her scratchy fighting outfit into her kitten pajamas and cuddled up with her tiny bratty kitten named peach

Part 2 coming soon...

Love at First Fight - Chun Li X RyuWhere stories live. Discover now