Part 5 - the legendary getting thrown out of McDonald's

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      "So um... when are we gonna eat?", Zangief asked. "AFTER WE FIGHT!", yelled Sakura, and charged at Vega. Balrog held her back with one finger. "What is she, like, 3 or something?", he asked. "No. matter of a fact, I'm 18. brat.", she said. "Then how come you're always going after Ryu, kid?", Bison asked, slightly confused as to why so many people in the tournament showed up there. "No matter", he then changed his mind. "Let's just fight!" BAM! One Kikoken-Hadouken combo and Vega was sprawled on the ground. "WHO'S NEXT?!", Chun Li yelled. "Not me..." me neither", Balrog and Zangief said. "Oh. I wasn't really referring to you, I have nothing against you guys. you're clearly harmless", Chun Li rolled her eyes and got back into a fighting position. Wow, Ryu thought. She's the coolest! I wonder what she's like once she trusts you. Cammy tiptoed over to Ryu with a sly look on her face. "you like her, don't you?", she whispered like a little kid at a sleepover. "What? No way! Her? eeeewwww...", he replied turning as red as Zangeif's underwear. "Don't try to lie to me", Cammy said "The shadaloo trained me to read people's mind a LONG time ago."  Then, Sakura popped up between them stiffling her giggles. "I'm no grownup expert, but the key to her heart is food, cats and drawing", she said. "grownup? you're only a few years younger than her", Ryu tried to change the subject. "NO! I'M NOT!! SHE IS 5 YEARS OLDER THAN ME!!!!!", she angrily whisper-screamed. "Oh really, because you were just trying to prove you were mature and grown up, and now you're a baby?", Ryu said, trying to annoy her, and suceeding. "a teen", Sakura growled. SMASH!!!! Juli and Juni were sprawled on the ground shaking and screaming. "NO!", Chun Li screamed. "Bison, how could you?" "That's what they get for protecting the enemy" "Hey, girls, do you know where T. Hawk is?", Juli said in a small voice. "YES!!!" Cammy yelled running up to the formerly brainwashed girls "They got their memory back! you hit them on the head so hard that they remembered! how the heck did that happen?" Meanwhile Guile and Ken stood there in shock at the scene they just witnessed. Ken suddenly yelled, "THAT WAS AWESOME!!! IT WAS LIKE A SCENE STRAIGHT OUT OF SAILOR MOON!!! Juli and juni were protecting chun Li and we were just watching. It was like when queen beryl brainwashes Tuxedo mask into evil Endymion and he still protects Sailor moon and then finds out she was Princess Seren-" "Please stop ken, you're making me dizzy", Guile finally uttered. "YEAH! STOP SPOILING SAILOR MOON FOR ME!!!!", yelled Zangief. "Hey, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave", they all suddenly heard. A young frightened McDonald's worker younger than Sakura stepped forward. "We've been getting complaints from a guy who calls himself a puma or something." "AKUMA?!?!?!", Ryu screamed. "Oh, yeah, that was it.", the little girl said with a shaky smile. "Anyway he also told me to tell you he'd see you at the fighting tournament next week, but I don't really know who he was referring to." "WHAT?!", Guile screamed. "THE LORD OF DARK ENERGY?! FIGHTING US?!" "YES!!!", The girls screamed. "We can finally meet him and defeat him!!!", the boys just shook their heads and giggled at the amount that they had been acting like little 12 year old girls at a sleepover. but then they remembered. they were fighting AKUMA

PART 6 COMING SOON..............

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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