Part 3

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            As Ryu Sat down, Chun Li looked at him with a smirk. "What was that about?" she asked trying to keep a straight face. "Um, YOU Kicked me first!" "DID NOT!!!" "DID TOO!" "NO, I DID NOT!!!" Suddenly they heard a loud ken-like victory scream coming from the playplace. It Was Ken and his son Mel! "How many fighters are even here?!" Chun Li groaned. "Not enough," said Ryu, walking over to the bathroom to take a dump. Chun Li ran over to the playplace. "Ken! I haven't seen you in so long!" "Huh? ken said "who's there?" sneaking up behind him, chun li came up and gave ken a swift kick in the butt. "Oh. It's you Chun Li!", Ken said turning around with a smile. Eliza, watching quietly, asked ken "Who is this?" "I'm Chun Li. I know who you are. You're Eliza. I saw you cheering for ken when I whooped his butt at the tournament last month." "Oh, so YOU'RE the new Champion?" "YUP!!" Chun Li said, louder than anticipated. "Well it's nice to see you again, Chun Li," said Ken. "Have you seen Guile and Cammy yet? this place is a street fighter madhouse today. "Yeah, I did. And it looks like they're-" "Yes, I know. Hopefully Cammy will show the brush-head how to fight so he doesn't lose in the first match of the tournament next time." "Hey Ken!" Shouted Ryu. "Hey, Ryu!  what are you doing here?" asked Ken. "I'm here with Chun Li." "ooooooh!" Mocked Guile and Cammy in the doorway. "Shut up! these two are my favorite fighters in the world!" Shouted Mel.  "Take it easy dude," said Chun Li. "I haven't seen you since last month. Are you still training with ke- oops, I mean your dad?" "Yeah! Look what I can Do!" With a few little leaps, he made his way through the entire playplace in less than a minute. "Wow! Impressive!", said Cammy. "It would take me years to get through that playplace," muttered Guile. "Yeah. We wouldn't want to hurt your precious sponge hair," Ken said barely able to get it out after Mel's "Haha! Beat that, brush-head!" "YOU TOLD HIM TO CALL ME THAT TOO?!", "maybe..." Suddenly They all heard somebody yelling "BURGER!!! MILKSHAKE!!!  NO!!! I WANT ICECREAM!!! 


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