ʚ Lost Toy ɞ

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Norton's POV- Lately Naib has seemed super overwhelmed and hasn't really been getting enough sleep. Whenever I ask him about it he says that it's nothing and just the stress of the matches we had that day, but the thing is Naib loves matches even the stressful ones- even though they can be scary he really likes to kite and rescue. I feel like there's something more to what's going on though so I am going to be- I mean ask Martha as if it's nothing to tell me anything she knows. Naib and Martha are best friends, they're so close it's almost as if they knew each other their whole life- so naturally there's gonna be details that he doesn't tell me and tells her. I fixed my hair and tried not to look so suspicious while going to Martha's room- I mean me and her are friends too, just not as close as her and Naib. I knocked on her door to be faced with her girlfriend Vera raising her eyebrows at me.

"Uh is Martha here" I asked

"yeah, what's it to you" she replied

"well I have to ask her about something"

Vera turned to the couch Martha was sitting on and gave her the look if she was supposed to let me in or not, after receiving Martha's approval she sighed before saying "come in".

I nodded and entered the room I took across from Martha and Vera and sat slouched with my hands in front of me as I leaned a bit forward.

"Norton what brings you here" Martha questioned

"well I was wondering something about Naib"

"what do you mean, did something happen DID YOU HURT NAIB I WILL -"


"I was wondering if he has acted weird around you too, he hasn't been sleeping right lately" I told her

She debated if she should tell me but eventually gave in to my puppy dog eyes, "Naib lost his plushy he sleeps with... he told me not to tell anyone because he gets embarrassed about it, now if he asks I said nothing" Martha confessed. Then it hit me, I had completely forgotten that Naib did that- typically he only ever sleeps with me and now uses me as his teddy bear but I do remember him still having a tiny bear plush he slept with every night. I thanked Martha before leaving while I debated on what to do, there's a very slim chance we're ever gonna find that thing. I felt bad and pondered what I could do and then I came up with an idea. I spent the next couple of days in my room, only coming out for meals or matches- and that was because I decided to make Naib something but the thing is I can't sew to save my life.

After a while I had a messily hand made bear key-chain, it wasn't perfect but I tried and my hands hurt from all the injuries I obtained for trying to make a tiny bear... let's just say it's a lot easier than it looks. I placed the bear in a box I made for it and covered it up with some tissue paper. I then decided to go show off what I made to Naib and give it to him. I headed down to his room and knocked on his door, it didn't take him long to realize that it was me and quickly opened the door.

"Norton! where have you been I haven't seen you in a couple of days" he said while hugging me

"sorry I was actually working on something" I confessed

"You were?" he questioned

"Yeah! I brought it with me"I told him while he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside of his room making sure to close the door behind him.

"Can I see what it is, Is it something cool! Or is it a secret" Naib exclaimed 

"yeah! you can see it because it's actually for you" I told him

"WH- for me?!" he asked

"yes for you" I said while giving him the box, he admired the box for a few minutes before finally deciding to open it , when he did he looked at the bear and then to me.

"Naib..? sorry I know it's not as good as your ol-"

"SHUT UP" Naib gave me the death stare

"I love it Norton... you didn't have to!" Naib said and began to... cry?, Naib doesn't typically cry so this was new. I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug while he continued to thank me.

After this Naib seemed to be in a much better mood- at this point he keeps the tiny bear with him at almost all times, I'll probably never know why that tiny bear brings him so much comfort but if it makes him happy then i'm happy as well... but of course there's no way he's getting off the hook without a lil bit of teasing ;)

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