You Need To Tell Them

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The plan was simple; get Yerim, get out and be as sneaky as possible in order to get the young assassin out of there. And it was working, right until the moment Seulgi managed to fall through one of the windows and onto one of the kidnappers. The shatter seemed to echo throughout the entire tavern, even when the bear got to her feet shakily and smiled awkwardly at the other occupants that glared at her, their hands drifting to their weapons.

"I'm really sorry about that." The girl gestured to the now open space on the wall and then to the badly hurt man that laid under her. Seulgi gave them her most friendly smile as she spoke, trying to relieve some of the tension in the room as the assassins crept within the shadows, sneaking to their prey. "I was going to use the front door but it seemed to be out of order." Her smile faded. "I guess I'll be grateful for that once this room is stained with all of your scummy blood."

That's how Yoohyeon ended up here, pinned behind the liquor bar, using shot glasses as missiles as Joohyun bandaged her ward's waist and arms as they waited for Bora and Siyeon to give them a straight path out of there as Seulgi, Joy and Wendy were engaged in combat.

The tavern of the Weeping Willow was in flames, the counter-tops sticky with alcohol and lined in flames. Flames licked the walls as it engulfed the entire building, black smoke filled the room, closing in around them like an impending death sentence.

"I THINK IF WE JUST TALKED ABOUT THIS LIKE THE MATURE PEOPLE WE ARE, WE CAN COME TO AN UNDERSTANDING!" Yoohyeon yelled over her shoulder as she ducked, narrowly missing a bottle that smashed above her. "GUYS, COME ON!"

Joohyun checked Yeri's pulse, the younger girl deathly pale and limp. "Her heartbeat is weak, I-I don't know if she's going to make it."

A low growl echoed throughout the tavern and the remaining henchmen screamed in agony as heavy paws thundered on the wooden floors, a loud crack rang out at the same time as a whimper of pain, Yoohyeon immediately stood up and was greeted by the sight of an injured wolf; her front right paw lifted off the ground as blood spilled from a wound on her waist. Injured and dead bodies surrounded the wolf as she whimpered, showing her obviously broken paw to Bora who tried her best to approach her non-threateningly, whispering reassurances to her as she got to her knees.

"It's okay, Signie," Bora gave a reassuring smile as she got a blanket from her backpack, opening it so she could wrap the wolf in it. "I got you."

Liquid gold eyes met soft brown ones, a single lick on her cheek before the animal body changed into the human form. "We need to leave."


The ashes of the Weeping Willow Tavern floated up to the sky as the Assassins watched from above, the villagers desperately trying to put out the flames, broken yells could be heard from the hills from where they watched.

"We have to tell the resistance that we need to hurry with our plan." Wendy was the first one to speak, she'd been pacing since they stopped to rest and help their wounded. Her eyes wide and frantic as she spoke, not focusing on anything or anyone for long. "We have to attack Polaris now."

"You're shitting us, aren't you?." Bora rolled her eyes as she sighed, not bothering to look at the older woman, her hands too focused in helping soothe the burn marks on Siyeon's waist.

"No, I'm not. We need to remove the tyrants from the throne before the Solstice otherwise we won't be able to stop them on the blood moon. We need to meet with the resistance, form a plan and wipe them out. " Wendy spoke frantically and when no one made any sign of responding, she sighed heavily, stopping her pacing and facing them all. "They're collecting the ingredients already. Reports that 10 Gifted Children have been abducted from their rooms as they slept, brewing storm clouds hover off the Spider's lair, and seas being un-tamable. All they need is her and then we're done for. Polaris will forever be enslaved. It's either now or never."

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