The Rescue

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To say she fucked up was putting it lightly.

As Yoohyeon crawled through the ventilation system in a known corrupt policy maker warehouse and hit her foot off the side of the air duct, she felt her heart sink when the room below her went quiet, indicating that they heard her.

"Wolf to Puppy, please tell me that wasn't you?" Lee Siyeon cracked through her intercom, her voice laced with worry.

(Lee Siyeon. 23. Wolf. Swift, strong and Deadly.)

Yoohyeon laid as still as she could, trying to calm her racing heart. "Stop talking." Yoohyeon did her best not to move, hiding her face in her shoulder to silence her breathing.

(Kim Yoohyeon. 21. Puppy. Clumsy, intelligent and fast.)

"If anyone is up there, you better come down unless you want a thousand bullets being shot towards you." A deep voice called up before the cocking of several guns rang out.

"5...4...3..." They began to count down making Yoohyeon's heart beat faster, making her feel disoriented. "2-"

"Sir! There's movement on the south perimeter, what do we do?" A panicked voice asked.

"Take several men and go check it out. Approach the situation with delicacy, only shoot if they show resistance."

"Yes sir!" Several voices said at the same time before heavy footsteps exited the room.

Yoohyeon released a shaky exhale as she began to crawl quickly towards her position, trying her best to make zero noise. Once in position, she took out her laptop and pressed her com. "Puppy to Wolf, I'm in position, proceed with caution. Over."

"Wolf receiving puppy, understood. Tell me what you know."

"Their data is airtight but I may be able to access it if I shake things up a little." Yoohyeon typed fast, stopping for a few seconds to make sure no guards could see her position on top of the roof before refocusing. "I'm in. Ten guards at the south entrance and three men patrols every ten minutes."

"Where's Murati's position?" Siyeon asked.

"Basement, I think. That bastard is with Minji." Yoohyeon's voice cracked at the mention of their friend who was taken captive two years ago during a mission to intercept a package of false evidence, it turned out to be a trap.

Her intercom clicked and Siyeon spoke again. "We have eyes on our bunny. We do this quickly, no one gets out of this alive, do you read me?"

"This is Fox, I read you."

(Lee Gahyeon. 19. Fox. Clever and cunning. Don't let her cute face fool you.)

"Panda reads you."

( Lee Yubin or Dami. Panda. 20. Fierce and strong.)

"I read you."

"Handong..." Siyeon sighed.

"Fine, Cat reads you."

(Handong. 22. Cat. Agile, graceful, fast.)

"Elephant reads you. Can we go now? I've been kneeling for the past ten minutes." Kim Bora, AKA Queen SuA, demanded. "Minji won't be alive if we wait any longer."

( Kim Bora or SuA. 24. Elephant. Loud, powerful and flexible.)

"Take them out quietly, try not to use your guns, understood?" Yoohyeon ordered as she put her laptop in her backpack and took out her crossbow.

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