CAT-tastrophe Crew

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*Narrator's POV*
"Oh no-! Now what are we gonna do?" Katie asked while Ryder immediately thought of a solution.

"Alright, Katie: do you have any spare tires left?" He asked while Katie nod her head a little bit.

"But there's only one spare tire, it's on the back with the pups with the pump." She said while Zuma and Everest barked a bit to let them all know that they've found it.

Ryder then got off of his motorcycle and got his emergency tool box with him inside said motorcycle and then quickly took charge of the repair.

Rocky was looking around the truck to see if there's anything that can be used to patch the tires, if not then make new tires out of, when he found a medical bag that was filled with bandages and plaster which then gave him an idea.

"Ryder, guys! I may have found something in Katie's truck to patch the three OTHER holes of the tires." He said while dragging the medical bag outside using his mouth.

"Uhh, dudes we better hurry- Look!" Jake exclaimed while he pointed out the mayor's car as well as the pest controls' cars all zooming in to where they were.

"All right everyone, let's get to work! Rocky, I have some super glue here, peel the plasters off and attached them to the broken-down tires." Ryder said in the lead.

"Green means Go!" Rocky said as he, Rubble, Zuma and Chase all got the plasters and began to patch the holes with the super glue they got from Ryder.

Meanwhile, Marshall and Everest along with Sky, Jake and Katie all worked together to exchange the tire into a new one, with Marshall not being his clumsy on the process.

They soon finished faster than the new Mayor could reach them but as they were about to get on board, they remember that the engine doesn't work anymore.

Ryder then quickly thought of a way as he used his motorcycle as a tow-truck and latched it on Katie's truck. Jake got everything and everyone on the truck as Ryder drives as fast as he can while towing Katie's truck, to which the pups howl in relief and happiness.

"Good thinking Ryder!" Skye complemented while letting out a bark or two while Ryder thanked her in a happy yet relieved toned voice but kept his eyes on the road.

Meanwhile, the mayor and the pest control vehicles were hot on their tail when all of a sudden, they experience the said thing that happened on the Paw Patrol only this time it was just their wheels that suddenly have holes in them.

Mayson Goodway groaned out loud and then ordered his men to change the wheel on his vehicle at the same time the pest controls began to change their tires as well.

The new Mayor then grabbed his phone and began to dial in an all too familiar yet unknown number.

He heard it rigging and then someone picked it up from the other side of the line.

"Hello? It's the NEW Mayor of Adventure Bay, and I need you and your team to stop a bunch of runaways." He said while he heard chuckling on the other side of the line and agreed as they now ended their call.

Back to where Ryder and the others were, they were now currently on the high road leading towards the boarders of the city.

The pups really don't know where they would go now but they trust in Katie, Jake and Ryder to take care of all of them.

It was about to be said a smooth ride but they were now meet up by large balls of yarn, a lot of mischievous paws got a hold of the breaks as well as the rest of the pedals on the car and Chase's allergy began to be acting up.

"It's the Kitten Catastrophe Crew!" Marshall said while Katie abruptly stopped the vehicle which almost made it to tumble over, but luckily it didn't.

Looks like Paw Patrol would need to get pass them; they can't turn back or else Mayson Goodway and the pest control might get them.

Ryder began to think of a solution once again, but he knows he'd have to hurry and they think fast. Otherwise, it's lights out for all of the pups and for them...

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