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12. Unexpected

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After over a month, it was the first time I woke up and smiled brightly on Monday morning. Yes, I work on the fourth floor again today, where I belong. But that also means I need to decide soon how to break the news to Ashton Knight about the daughter he doesn't know exists. Especially after things got a bit messy last weekend with Chloe and Ethan.

Once the trio left the cafe, Ethan gave me a flat expression, a sign that he demanded an explanation. "I always refrained from asking you about the guy, Chloe's father, but since my name is somehow mentioned in the storyline, I would like to know what happened."

And I told him everything. Everything as in I couldn't bring myself to tell her that she wasn't made out of love, that I even thought of getting rid of her, and that telling lies was the easiest way out. The thing that didn't pop up in my head is every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later the debt needs to be paid.

Soon, Chloe and I need to sit down and have a very long talk about her true father's identity. It's time to tell her what really happened back then, as long as her seven-year-old brain can handle it. No more false stories; no more deception. But first, I need to know how her father reacts to the news because his reaction plays a big part in his disclosure to Chloe.

"Charlotte!" Shanti's high-pitched voice pulls me back to the current moment. Sebastian and the girls behind her grin widely as they find me in my cubicle. They must have just finished having their breaky in the pantry.

"Hi, guys! I'm back. Yay!"

Weirdly enough, as much as I wanted to be back here, I didn't feel that ecstatic when I saw my office space again, and it still feels strange sitting here in my cubicle now. The executive assistant desk has been my home in the past month, and despite the workload, I've grown some kind of emotional attachment to that spot. Maybe I just need time to get used to this floor.

"So, you survived the deadly voyage and now are back in one piece!" Gina says.

"Seems like it." I laugh as I lean back against my chair's headrest. "So, what's up? What have I missed?" 

Gina shrugs. "Not much. Just the same shit different day. Well, lucky we have Shanti, our office gossip supplier. She makes our life a bit more colorful every day."

I chuckle as I bend over to turn on my PC. "So, what is the hottest and the newest gossip?"

Gina plops down on my empty desk. "You have probably heard it or seen it yourself. You've been on the thirteenth floor for a while."

I raise my eyebrows, my curiosity piqued. "Okay? I'm not sure if I'm following, though."

"It's about our big daddy," Shanti replies, wiggling her eyebrows. "Didn't you hear the gossip about him going around lately?"

"Well," I mumble as I wrinkle my nose. "I'm sure there are lots of things about him to gossip about. Which one are we talking about?"

"The juiciest one, of course, titled Mr. Knight's long-lost love is back."

"Huh?" A long lost what?

"His ex, the one he was dating for some time, is back in the picture. The girl from the payroll swore she saw him and his ex having a candlelight dinner last week. They looked so much in love, she said. But, oh well, I never liked that chick. I don't know if I'm going to ship them."

For some reason, I feel my stomach churn, but I try to ignore it. This news has nothing to do with me. Right? "Oh, is this the ex that was once an assistant executive in this company?"

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