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When the bell rang, Mrs Johnson walked in front of the room, checking for trash on the floor. She looked like a predator searching for her prey. Multiple students looked around and leaned down to pick up very small pieces of trash. Because Mrs Johnson, she counts a very, very small rip of paper a crumble.

She excused our fabulous and well behaved row and we walked behind the rest of the full rows and out the door. Right when I exited the classroom, I turned and headed to Mr Anderson's class, having to circle around loitering students. Upon turning, I found Calvin standing right there.

Struggling to put on a smile, I quickly walked up to him, "Hey."

I wasn't expecting it, but I sure felt happy when Calvin responded, and not just with a greeting, "Hey," He sighed, and looked down, "Whatever you heard - it was true. About Anderson giving too much work."

With a grin, I chuckled and patted his back, "C'mon. Mr Wright's class is just around this corner." We walked along a set of classrooms. I still can't take my mind off of this. Mr Wright's class. I have it. With Calvin. And...

No... They won't assume anything. She won't. Anyhow, how would they? We'd just go through our study guides like any other day, take notes. Calvin can't have a seat by me, even if he asked kindly, for I'm surrounded.

I took a deep breath as I walked in the path of green, stumped grass, heading to the lone class right ahead, near the doors that led to the inside building.

"Oh," When we went under the pillars in front of the classroom door, I turned to Calvin, "And, he has animals in there. Just thought I'd tell you."

Calvin rose an eyebrow, "Animals?"

"Fishes, snakes, turtles, and lizards." I shrugged, as if it was no big deal. I've always wanted to sit in that side of the room - with the tanks and cages. But I've always been seated... somewhere up front? Some class seats arrangements make me confused.

Calvin was blankly staring at me, which I still loathe. I was about to tell more things about this class, because, hell there's a lot to tell, until he spoke.

"They're caged up, right?"

That made me laugh. And the laugh was surprised out of me, "Of course." I wiped my eyes and began to tell him for information about this wonderful, yet strange class, "Mr Wright is... Uhh... Basically a bunch of things together. He's real fun - just don't piss him off. Though I'd doubt you'd be able to do that." I went silent, still thinking of how to describe this teacher. I wet my lips and straightened, "We do lots of experiments, too. Once in two weeks, two if most of the class is lucky."


I shrugged, "I don't like people, remember?" And I just sugarcoated that saying.

Calvin nodded, slowly, looking at the floor. I was about to warn him about the temperature, and that it was a good thing he brought a jacket, until the doors behind us opened, revealing Mr Wright. Immediately, I grabbed Calvin's arm and pulled him back so the large old man could pass by.

So many people have nearly fell by standing in the way, in the past, I swear. Me included.

"Hey, Mr Wright!" I heard that girl squeal, and I automatically tensed up. I took very slow, deep breaths, trying to assure myself.

"Good morning." Mr Wright responded, his voice all jolly and sweet. See, this is one of his weird traits. One moment he could be all nice and shit, and the next he's screaming at someone, giving them a look that says I will kill you in your sleep.

And that's why he's my favorite teacher. He's nice, but he won't hesitate to scold an annoying student. Mean teachers are... Well, mean. Short temper at everybody. Nice teachers are too nice, letting people off the hook way too much. Teachers like this old guy? Perfect. Only slightly scary, but perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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